Chapter Sixty-Six

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Songs for this chapter are:

DNA. - Kendrick Lamar

lose - Travis Scott

Cold Water - Major Lazer ft. Justin Bieber and MØ (fav version ever^ such a fkn cutie pie baby)


Justin's POV

Sweat dripped down my neck as I sat in the small, plastic chair across from the five people who would determine the outcome of the next year of my life. 

This was the first time in my life I had ever felt intimidated.  Usually, I was the most powerful man in the room, however, sitting in front of the Chief, the head of the police department, two doctors and the head of the hospital made me feel so small. 

"So, Mr. Bieber, you may begin your statement." Chief started, giving me a small smile.  He was the only one in here that I knew well, and I suppose he was attempting to comfort me. 

I stood up from the chair, gulping down my nerves. "Hi, um, I'm Justin Bieber." I flashed them a charming smile.  "I'm here today to ask for your forgiveness, and for you all to allow me to be a free man."

The head of the police department shook his head, noting something on his pad of paper.  Fuck, was that a bad start?  Or was he just an asshole?

"I know that I have made mistakes in the past, plenty of them, and I take full responsibility for all of them.  I was brought into a horrible life when I was younger, and found no way out of it.  My father brought me in and he made no attempts at teaching me right from wrong, or how to be a normal citizen.  I became a criminal, killing for fun, doing drugs, selling drugs, every possible bad thing you could think of." I admitted my horrible life to them, all of them placing their writing utensils down and putting their full attention on me.  I suppose that was a good thing.

I continued.  " I lived my life alone, becoming a lonely piece of shit criminal who did anything to get money.  The gang got to me, and I started to enjoy the projects more and more, feeling my sadistic side come out." There was no need to lie about my disorder, they knew I had it. 

"I loved to feel powerful, I loved being authoritative. I grew up poor, so when my bank account balance was reading millions, I let it get to my head.  I started becoming angry all the time, constantly wanting to fight.  I would attempt to calm myself down, people around me started to realize that I was bipolar." 

I looked down at the desk, my 'audiences' stares becoming too intense for me.  "Then I um, I met a girl." I felt embarrassed, showing my sappy side to these total strangers.  "I created this entire lie when I was younger, hoping that when I finally found the girl of my dreams it would help her love me more.  I'm sure you're familiar with the term claims." I coughed awkwardly.

"I am," The police officer spoke up.  "it scared every female citizen of New York." He scoffed.  I wanted to bash his head against the table - forget I said that.

"Anyway," I continued despite the bubble-bursting comment from the police.  "I found my girl, Brooke Santilli, as you know.  She was my claim."  Everyone turned to look at each other at the mention of Brooke.  "I loved her, so much, right off the bat.  I was such a piece of shit to her, though." My mind flashed back to the beginning of our relationship.  "I was an abusive, psychotic asshole, yet everyday I spent with her, I felt myself change."  They all went wide eyed at the word 'abusive.' I was not awfully vicious, but I did hit her, which I would be forced to remember for the rest of my life.

"You can ask her," I tried to help my case. "she started to fall for me, I changed my ways, just for her. I never killed a soul after I met her, afraid it was push her further away from me.  I drifted from the gang, only wanting to spend my time with her.  She was my angel, and she saved me from the pits of hell I was burning in."

Claimed ~ Justin BieberWhere stories live. Discover now