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                   The next day, Damian had woken up earlier then his usual time, of 6:30am. He was usually training that time, he was a black belt in majority of martial arts. He walked around the mansion of his home, settling down in the lounge room. A smile appeared on his face, his black cat, Alfred, had cooed over towards him, rubbing against his leg.

He picked him up, scratching behind his ear. Usually he only got along with animals, as they put him more at ease then people. "Master Damian, Good morning, you're up awfully early, aren't you?" the Butler, Alfred Pennyworth exclaimed, entering with his black butler uniform, always so neat and tidy, a small smile appearing on his face. "What is it to you?" Damian retorted, returning to a scowl. It had become a reflex to play offense against others.

Damian didn't partially mean to do it, but it kept others at an arms length, a safe distance from getting hurt. But remembering Jonathan's smile, made his heart thump uncontrollably. He looked down, trying to cover his embarrassment of imagining the other boy. He shouldn't need to care about him. But for some reason, Damian had reacted to his charm.

"Breakfast will be ready shortly, so please come to the dinning room when you are ready. Master Bruce, will be awake shortly." Alfred exclaimed, a raised eyebrow but no questions. He left promptly as he noticed that Damian wasn't in a talking mood. Well more then usual. Alfred, the cat, mewed and touched nose with Damian, as if trying to coax him into telling the feline his troubles. "Haa, what am I going to do? I feel strange." He murmured, closing his eyes and rubbing noses with the furry creature.

The trip to school was somewhat pleasant; the sky was turning to light shades of blue, the sun were shinning brightly and the fluffy white clouds that painted the sky. It showed the fully awake city of Gotham. Damian however preferred the night. He was more of a night person then day, but for some reason his body was reacting differently. He could feel it.

He said goodbye to the driver, and walked into the school gates, a solemn expression placed on his face as usual. He was prepared to go to class when he heard the cheery, smiling boy run up to him. He looked up to Jonathan; he was kind of annoyed with the height difference between the two. "Hey, Dami!" he exclaimed, his hand holding onto the strap of his backpack. "Hello, Kent." He retorted, with a glare of the cringe nickname. "Please reframe from calling me that." He added, grabbing his books and closing his locker.

"Why? I think it's cute." Jonathan smiled, walking beside him, making Damian flush. "I-I don't want to be cute." Damian stuttered, getting all flustered. This made Jonathan laugh, which to Damian's horror, he liked. He wasn't supposed to like anything. Animals, yes, people not so much. "Hey, wait for me, okay?" Jonathan asked, putting his bag down and unlocked his lock.

Damian grumbled but stayed put. He looked at the other passers, who looked at the pair with an odd look. He disliked the stares and the attention he had gained from being with Jonathan. He only got used to the attention given to him when he is alone. "C'mon." Jonathan exclaimed, stopping Damian mid thought.

He blinked a couple of times before nodding his head slightly. "We have Math together, and then I have sport. What do you have?" Jonathan rambled, holding his books in a clattered mess. His bed hair was sticking out, and his uniform was slightly crinkled. Damian looked at him, he wasn't bad looking, and his cheeky smile was charming, but his attire was slightly annoying as it was a neither clean nor tidy look. "I have History."

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