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                 As it turned out the 'Three Stooges', would be staying within the Wayne Manor, for a year. This was something that Damian wasn't all to please about. It was peaceful, and better without them there. Jason had worked overseas, his professional work as an informant and hit man, though it wasn't allowed to be spoken about within the house. Tim, the annoying snake, was an author as well as a detective; he worked all over the place and had an apartment on the Upper East Side. Dick, the only one Damian had tolerated out of three was a police over, and well.... He tried out a lot of odd jobs, never really settling down. Just like he was with women.

"What's your boyfriends name?" asked Timothy, a smirk on his face as he leaned down to Damian, in which he hated. "None of your goddamn business, Timothy." Damian snapped, glaring at him. The electricity had fired between the two, so vivid that it could be seen. "Enough you two, can't we just get along? It's been awhile since we've been together." Richard, 'Dick, exclaimed, a smile on his face. Both o them, turned their heads in a huff. "Hey Dick I've been wondering this a while but, how did.... You get 'Dick' from Richard?" Jason interrupted, jumping onto the table, eating a strawberry off a pancake that just lay there.

Dick looked flabbergasted, "I mean, did you just think it was cool or somethin'?" Jason continued, making a thinking face as he crossed his arm. "Like Dick has nothing in common with Richard. Except they're both long." He sneered. Dick flushed and covered Damian's 'pure' ears. "Not in front of Damian, Jason!!" Dick exclaimed, his face beet-red. Jason laughed and Timothy had to cover his mouth to stop himself from laughing.

"You still didn't answer my question." Jason teased, scoffing. Dick tsked and turned his head. "Shuddap! It was a closest thing I could come up with okay? I was a young kid!!" Dick defended, as he let go of Damian, who had rolled his eyes at his brothers. Damian had enough of what he was dealing with and finished up with his own plate, putting it in the dishes and rinsing it. "Hey, where you going, Damian?" Timothy queered, leaning back on his seat. "Unlike you assholes, I have business to attend to." Damian glared.

"Ohhh, feisty. He's got your attitude, Jason." Timothy smirked, as the older male chuckled. "He's a Wayne, through and through." Jason exclaimed, taking the pancakes in the end. "Can't you guys ever just be nice?" Dick sighed, sitting down to eat with the other two, a clear pout was on his face.

Damian kicked stones on the driveway, as he awaited the driver. Stupid brothers, he had thought. He hopped into the car, dusting off his shoulders, making sure he made himself prim and proper. School replayed the last week, however, the fan base for Jonathan had seemingly grew. He was constantly surrounded all week, meaning that Damian had reverted back to his old ways of being alone, isolated. He had coldly rejected invitations to eat and talk, and glared at anyone who dared insult him.

It wasn't from the lack of trying to hang out; it was just that once Jonathan was alone, guys and girls, throwing themselves at the sweet Alpha, would cut them through. Having Jonathan gone by his side for a week, seemed to have made him more irritable then he would have admitted. Until on Friday, when he saw Jonathan leave with a girl, the others were squealing that they might be dating. He had even snapped at Jason and Timothy for no reason, in which resulted the three of them not talking. The only comfort he had gotten was from, Alfred, his cat, not the butler. His cat mewed and nuzzled his nose. Sighing, Damian had fallen asleep; he hadn't even gotten any text messages from the Farm Boy, let alone to see a smile.

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