twenty nine

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            ROUSING speeches, flaunting his wealth as well as his family, Bruce smiled for the cameras and waved at the crowd. The audience becoming brightened lights that flickered and squealing girls or women could be heard over the constant chatter. His face ached from the posed smiles that he no doubt is pulling off for the longest time now. He couldn't help it. It was part of his ego. He was a man of partying, flirtatious tendencies, one nightstands, flourish and flamboyance and outgoing smile that made any women faint if he used his charms on her, to be so lucky. He was just a man of money, wealth and fame.

Bruce was not an underworld lord who looked out for black market knickknacks. Nor did he place justice on those so called criminals. He was a legitimate businessman that any father would be proud of. "Jason, how are things looking from there?" Bruce inquired, gently touching his earpiece, winking at a certain blonde whom didn't seem to stop drooling over him. The latter on the coms, 'hmmed' and sighed. "Kind of borin', old man. No movement." Bruce couldn't stop himself from smiling a little. It had been a while since he had joined Jason with his adventures.

"You do realise that your ex girlfriend will be attending." Jason asked, leaning back on the railing of the roof he was standing on, a smoke in between his lips with puffs filtering as he mumbled through those words. "Which one?" Bruce asked, scoffing a little. It wasn't private information that Bruce would get around, and by around meaning, different partners every week or couple days. He wasn't committed. Well, not as committed as he was to Dick. The young boy whom he had watched grow up was a sin. A sin that he was tempted and broken into having and attaining.

Horse laughter was the elder's reply, as the amusement hit Jason straight on. He wasn't an apple form the tree. His score of women could be compared to Bruce's and it would be... getting there. He was similar to Bruce in that way. Unfortunately for the both of them. "Good point. You have many exes and most don't care about being your ex since they could be graced with your presence and have the ya know, good ol' Bruce Junior. Whoop." Laughed Jason, as he continued to smoke. "Heads up, your girls about the enter the room. Guessin' she gonna be introduced like some princess."

Understanding, Bruce placed down his finished wine glass and placed his hands on one of the small tables as he looked towards the door. The Gala, in which they had the party held, dressed in a nice tie and tuxedo Bruce had slipped in without an invitation to show. There was to be a business transaction between two people and a gracious host, who, Bruce didn't know, hosted this party. He was rather curious and at the same time intrigued by the fact that they had the audacity to do this within his city. Jason had been snooping around and found Talia would be attending and felt that he should be joining as well. For old times sake, of course.

Outstanding enough, the doors began opening and walking in with a dress that stuck to every inch of her body was Talia, looking ravenous as usual. For a moment Bruce's breath was taken away and he was amazed as everyone else was. "Please welcome the gracious host, Talia Al Ghul." The announcer exclaimed, waving towards the door. The room erupted with applause, little bits of a respective bows and overall gracious feeling.

Cascading down the stairs with a glint in her eye and a seductive smile, she captured the gaze of the room. "Bruce, this would be a good opportunity for you to see what she may know about the deal." Jason exclaimed, running through the coms with an eager voice, "she's as pretty as ever." Bruce chuckled and took another sip of his wine before making his way to the entrance, where Talia had begun making her way around to talk to people and engage in small talk and conversations.

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