twenty two

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                               THE voice seemed to belong to someone whom he didn't believe he would ever see, at least not here. Kara Danvers, Jonathan's elder cousin. Her bouncy blonde hair was a polar opposite of Jonathan's dark fluffy one. Her face was heart shaped, soft pink lips, high cheekbones and unblemished skin. The only thing that Jonathan and her were their eyes. Their soft ocean blue eyes, bright and curious, always lit like the sun.

Damian wondered why she was Jonathan's cousin, when she also called Clark her cousin as well. It was rather confusing for the male. The elder wore a blue skirt and matching blue top that held a belt upon her waist. Alike Jonathan, she was an Alpha, however had no pair and had no intention of falling in love. She was self-reliant and independent; her job was her priority and probably her love. But he wasn't one to judge. Her face was rather a mix of emotions.

As a reporter she was given a blessed moment to learn all she could about Damian's lifestyle and why he was here, but as a friend, she was obligated to give him privacy and options. However, she had already guessed the reasoning for him here. 'Breaking News: Damian Wayne's secret lover revealed, past love.' Unintentionally, her mind already created titles for the big scandals that could appear if word got out. "I haven't seen you in what... two years? Three?" Kara exclaimed, "I mean if you count emails then rather a month ago."

Bemused, Damian held his hand out for her to shake, in which the older accepted graciously. She smiled at him and scoffed. "You finally found him, huh?" she asked, already knowing the answer. Damian's face dropped all emotions as he nodded his head. "You knew?" in which he got a shake of a head. "Honestly, I found out we've been living in the same area only a week ago. I've been in Star City and Gotham for assignments, I recently got back."

Again, Damian nodded, fully understanding her work life. She wasn't someone to stay and put down roots once she had a lead. "Did you... talk to him, confront him?" she asked, her voice turning to a serious tone. Her face went dark, as she looked him square in the eyes. Damian licked his dry chapped lips and placed his hands in his pockets. "I... I tried to, but he didn't really seem welcoming. I'm staying a week before I need to go back to Gotham." He answered.

"Then you better hurry." Kara said. Silence. Damian noticed something off with Kara, she was shifting rather oddly and kept biting the bottom of her lip, as if she was trying to contain something. "What is it?" commented Damian, tilting his head, his eyebrows knitting together. When she didn't reply, Damian pressed on, getting rather irritated with the change of attitude that the older switched to. "Well..." Kara trailed off, her eyes wandering off to the centre. "Not here, let's go to my apartment."

With that, Damian was pulled by his slender wrist and made to follow Kara, whom had a determined face that mixed within had some sort of strange feeling. Their walk was short lived, as Kara lived surprisingly close, to where they were, only a twenty minute walk or so, it would be a lot faster if the lights didn't decide to change to red every time they were walking.

Inside her apartment it was everything that Damian had imagined. White walls, with paintings of flora, a bookcase filled with books and photos of friends and family, a long creamy wooden table in the middle, two large windows at the end, with a sliding door where it led to potted plants. There was a fridge a couch and television. He only imagined what her room would be like, perhaps a complication of clothes and books with perhaps rough drafts for an article.

"Coffee? Tea?" she questioned, as Damian settled down on the couch, he sat on the edge, so he wasn't fully seated or comfortable. "Coffee thank you." Replied Damian, as he fiddled with his thumbs. As quick as the flash, Kara whipped up coffee, adding cream on top and childishly putting marshmallows in the creamy white, giving it colour, she handed him the cup with dissatisfaction written on his face. "So what is it? What was so important that you didn't want to say it outside?"

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