twenty seven

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                        DAMIAN waited for a reaction from the little boy, who instead raised an eyebrow and looked at him with a piercing gaze. It surprised him. It looked exactly as he had done when someone told him something that he didn't believe. The similarities were indescribable. How he had not seen it before baffled him. Taking closer inspection, it was true; Eli was a splitting image from the both of them, Jon and himself. Fluffy brown hair and penetrating gaze, high cheekbones and soft plump lips. A combination of a soft bunny and a deadly snake.

Eli tilted his head and gave him the once over and marched to him, looking up and glaring. "You're the man who made Papa cry!" he declared, his face frowning. "I don't like you." Everyone looked at him baffled by his sudden behaviour, unable to speak a work. Hmphing, which surprised Jonathan the most, he turned away and toddled over to his room, where he shut the door with what was suppose to be a loud bang, turned into a soft close.

The room was silent before the breaking sounds of choked laughter from Billy filtered the room. The young man was clutching at his stomach, pointing to Damian in painful humour. "H-he really... oh my... I can't believe..." he stammered, trying to speak but laughing was all he could do. Damian glared at him, his aura turning dark and murky. Shut the fuck up before I kill you. Was what seemed to be the words coming from him, leaking from the dark murky shadows that surrounded him, it emitted his leadership as an Alpha, which made Billy cough, tears in his eyes from laughing too much.

"I'll go talk to him." Jonathan exclaimed, going up to follow the younger. But Damian got ahead of him and shook his head. "No, I'll go. I mean it is me that I am trying to get him to accept after all.... You two need to... talk." With reluctance, Damian left the two, disappearing into the next room. Jonathan looked at Billy, Billy looked at Jonathan. Without thinking, Jonathan blurted; "I'm sorry." Bowing his head and biting his lower lip. A soft laugh came from Billy, "even though we've already talked about this, your partner doesn't seem trusting of me."

Jonathan looked up and smiled, that gummy smile that made flowers appear beside his head. "Considering you two, your past was dark. You guys never seemed to get along, nor see eye to eye on anything. It was like two rebelling wolves." He exclaimed, as Billy sat on the chair across him, getting comfortable. "I guess we were, huh." Billy scoffed. "I love you, you know that yeah. Weboth do." Jonathan rubbed his forearm in a soothing manner. The 'we'Billy was referring to, was the otherhim. A more powerful and violent him, that appears when he gets mad or frustrated, the word; shazambrings him out.

Remembering the times that he had appeared made Jonathan shiver. One time was when they were interlocking intimacy and his more sadisticside took over. That was the first time, Jonathan felt afraid of Billy. It was also the first time Billy admitted to his disorder. However, it didn't make Jonathan leave Billy, however made him cautious on what to do and not to do.

Lips opening and closing, Jonathan could do nothing but give him another soft smile. "I know." Billy scoffed and shook his head, "But he was in your heart, and will forever be your first and only love, huh? No matter how much I want you and hate to admit it, you were always his cure, you're the one who had changed him the moment you stepped foot into the school." Billy looked at him fondly and smiled back.

"You changed me too." He added, getting up and striding towards Jonathan before leaning down so their faces were inches apart. "Be happy, that's all that matters, I cant guarantee anything with you two, but I'm sure you guys will be fine, no matter how painful it is for me to admit this." Jonathan blinked up at Billy, before seeing that the boy was leaning in for a kiss. His face close, and lips almost touching, Jonathan was frozen.

Roles ➳ DamiJonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora