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                                 SHOCK coursed through Jonathan like a wave pool, he realised that this was no mere illusion, no deluded motion of memories playing tricks on him. Damian was here, he was here and he was alive, breathing in his new home. Billy's face concreted that fact in his mind. He sat on the opposite end of Damian, his face filled with utter fury as well as anger that he just needed to grip his pants to restrain himself from kicking him out. Jonathan blinked, he blinked rapidly and repeatedly, as if trying to wipe away the mirage.

The only thing that reeled him back into the reality was his voice, his sweet, deep and soft voice. It had matured from the time he had last seen him. It was compelling. How Jonathan had missed the sound, missed when it called his name, or expressed the three little words that made his heart shudder with happiness and bliss. However, now was not the time to be lost in his Olympic green eyes and beautiful face, he needed to be strong and firm.

"What are you doing here?" he asked, his voice to his dismay shaking a little. His eyes drifted down and he saw shiny silver ring, little blue sapphires imprisoned on it. He forgot that he was holding onto Eli whom was starting to wake up. His soft yawn and rubbing of the eyes made Jonathan jump, as he turned his body around and was staring quizzically at both the stranger, to his father and to Jonathan. His big eyes, innocent and round. "Papa, who is the man sitting there?" he asked. Jonathan gave him a soft smile and placed him down, fully aware of the piercing gaze that Damian had on him.

Again, he forced a smile on his face and ruffled Eli's head, handing him the little present that Armin had given him. "I'll explain later, can you be a good boy and head to your room? You can open this present Armin wanted to give you." Jonathan asked. Eli's face brightened and all curiosity was drained from his face at the mention of gift and Armin. "Mm, okay!" he cheered, gleefully, running from the situation, giving Damian a side glance before happily running to his room to ease his curious heart on what he could've been given.

Billy's face was darkened and he hadn't uttered a single word as Jonathan sat down beside him. The air was beginning to get heavy, as his former lover, newfound partner and a complicated situation held. He wanted to say something, anything that could ease the two, but he would just be making things worse. Damian sat, one leg crossed over the other and his arm propped on the seat, head leaning into it as he stared at the two. Taking notice of the distance, way they sat and facial expressions.

"It's been a long time, eh Jon?" a small smile appearing on his face, it was so small that it didn't even look like his face had changed upon entering. Jonathan looked down and averted his gaze, his fingers clenched together and his habit of rubbing one of his thumbs over the other began appearing. He didn't know what to say. What could he say? I'm sorry for leaving abruptly and ruining everything, hope you've been well with your fiancé, I had a kid and now living with my best friend whom you seem to hate. Did I mention that I still love you? Yeah, that was perfect, way to hit it, where it hurts.

Jonathan was in deep thought, that he was surprised when he felt Billy reach over and grab his hand, he glanced over to see that he was still focused on Damian, whose face seemed to have twitched at the sudden shown of contact. "You should leave." Billy exclaimed, glaring at Damian. "You have interrupted our dinner time." The two stared off, the same expression being pulled onto his face as he stared at the tale male. It seemed that he had overstayed his welcome. The fact that Billy was speaking for Jonathan made him incredibly annoyed.

"I want to discuss with Jonathan." Damian exclaimed, simply. He looked at Jonathan, his body not even moving. He had no intention of leaving, he would stay and get answers from Jonathan. Billy seemed to have sensed that, he stood up and grabbed Damian by the collar, whom in which didn't even flinch from the confrontation. "What are you going to do? Punch me? Whack me? Try it I dare you." He scoffed, looking at him with a smirk on his face.

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