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                      "Jonathan, can you take out the sign for me? We're about to open." Alana Dela Cruz exclaimed, the peitite girl smiled cheerfully at the taller male, her hands holding onto many different sized cakes and assorted goods from the morning delivery. It was Wednesday morning and Jonathan had agreed to cover one of the sick workers at a small café, in a small neighbourhood. Eli had already been dropped off at the kindergarten, and Billy had left for work hours earlier.

Humming Jonathan grabbed the sign and went about his job. The salary was sufficient and the commute wasn't too long. It was perfect. He liked the atmosphere, talking to customers and setting them at ease after their long hours of work or schooling. There were a couple regulars that he had grown fond of. Of course, he missed his old classmates and wished he could talk to them, he had sent one mail to them each, expressing how he wished he could see them.

Even sending one to his parents was hard, all of it was hard. The only person he hadn't sent a mail to was Damian. He felt awkward sending it to someone he had ran away from, even if it was to set him at ease, that he was safe and well. It would defeat the purpose of why he did it in the first place. Talia had come to visit him numerous times, asking if he needed anything, and if he did to just ask. But it didn't feel well with Jonathan, so he declined. Her offer in money was also declined.

She seemed adamant in giving him money as a reward, but he just couldn't take it from the wealthy women no matter the amount. The only thing he did take was the old apartment she was no longer using, for the first year, before he had moved yet again away, further from Damian and his home. Being pregnant with Eli was more then enough to keep him occupied. Jonathan began to remember the moment he had realised, the shock of going to the doctors, to be told that he was few weeks pregnant and then coming home to an empty apartment.

The cries that would reach no one and the loneliness, it's void that held in the pit of his stomach. He couldn't do this by himself. It was like any teenager getting pregnant. However, there was no record of an Alpha ever getting pregnant, it was only ever Omegas due to their body functions. The memory of him breaking down, and thinking of having an abortion was one of the hardest decisions of his life. He was holding his child. Damian's child. A precious life source, where it needed love and warmth. He had already fucked it up, when he left Damian.

Anger, frustration, heartache, it suffocated him as they swirled over in turmoil like a whirlwind inside him. He wanted everything to just end there and then. He wanted to be sucked into the bottom of the ocean and never come out. Drown in his emotions, so nothing could get to him anymore. His mind was not as cheerful as he would've been. His mind was all mixed up. He hated it. Everything. Everyone. The existence of being a put into a class as soon as you were born. Holding the statuses of the caste. Having discrimination, being judged on the status, and being popular if you held the higher status. The fact everything was easier for one class and the rest are defeated through walls and rules that confined them, like animals.

Billy had found him two weeks later, and had helped him recover from his depressant mood and told him everything was going to be all right. There he began to stay with Jonathan, easing him with sweet words, hard work and the diligence of a young man that had matured through the years. It had been a pleasure being with Billy. Then Eli was born and things were beginning to feel surreal.

The peace and warmth that babies bring when they reach out with their tiny hands and innocent faces filled with smiles, melts ones heart in a mere breath. Their tender skin and soft voices that call out just brought tears to Jonathan's eyes as he sobbed into the forehead of his newborn. He had been right not to get the abortion. He was relieved and felt he needed to protect this boy with all his might. He was the only thing that was important to him.

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