twenty three

449 12 3

            BOTH boys decided to awkwardly sit beside one another on the swings. Jonathan rocking, his feet scrapping the ground as he looked off in the distance, while Damian sat still. "So-," started Damian, "Well-," Jonathan also exclaimed. That brought another wave of silence, in which both males turned to each other before quickly turning away sheepishly.

The sounds of the swing were the only noise between the two, the old metal squeaking filled the air. Nether said anything again, until Damian took a deep breath, steadying his heart as he said the following; "do you remember when we first had our kiss? It was when I was in heat, you were the only one who found me and that desire of wanting you was stronger than anything."

Another breath, "Then we had our date. I was a real articulate boy back then, but I was nervous as hell...


Damian paced around his room, his eyes flickering to the clock on his wall, waiting for the arrival for a certain brunette. "Master Damian, I have prepared everything, please stop pacing, it isn't good for the mind." Alfred exclaimed, as he entered the young male's room, after knocking and being allowed entry.

The young man ignored the advice from the elder and continued his pacing, his thumb brought to his lips as he bit it, nooming on the skin and tasting the salty flesh. "Are you sure everything is ready? The snacks? The room is cleared and cleaned? Did you shoo the incompetent idiots away, are they gone? Very gone? Father should be in a business meeting correct?" Damian exclaimed, glaring at the older man. Damian's gaze was met with a blank one, as Alfred just raised an eyebrow and nodded his head.

"It offends me that you doubt my skills, Master Damian." Alfred retorted, in which was given a hmph sound as response as he yet again, returned to his pacing. His heart was beating a million seconds per hour. It raced like no tomorrow and he disliked it. It was like he was a young maiden in love. Nothing like the notorious Damian Wayne. The billionaire son, who laughed at the Devil. Or was in fact the Devil, himself.

It just went to show, how much power and sway Jonathan had over the shorter male. He was allured by his ocean coloured eyes, that shone light and an innocence that was yet to be tainted. Fluffy hair, that was soft and gave him the child-like features. Soft skin, unblemished and seemingly perfect, ready and waiting to be marked and claimed by someone. His overall aura was just so pure and innocent, Damian was drawn to him.

The sound of a cough made him realise his situation, he was lost in thought and had not realised the sounds of a doorbell being rung. "I shall go and see if that is the young Master Jonathan now," Alfred exclaimed, turning his heel to leave. "I suggest you change into a more..." the older man added, turning to look at Damian with raised eyebrows, "comfortable clothes."

Damian realised he was still in his Kendo clothes, the tight fabric and warier cloth was not exactly an ideal thing to wear on a first date, so Damian quickly tried to get changed. The struggle of maintaining a good composure seemed to be next to impossible. He couldn't find anything presentable nor something that seemed less formal. Suits, suits, school uniform, and more suits.

Perhaps, a change in wardrobe would be noted down or at least an expansion of causal clothes. Damian settled for a plain black tee-shirt that fit him perfectly, giving his physique a beautiful crisp and clean look, however showing off his muscles. He pulled up his black jeans and for some reason slipped on runners. Just like that, he bolted out of his room and dashed to the lounge room, where he told Alfred to take Jonathan.

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