twenty five

459 11 6

"AH..." Jonathan's body seemed to have frozen in that moment. His blood ran cold and his mouth gapped open like a fish. He didn't know how to react. Jonathan looked between the television screen to Damian who was just staring in return. It seemed neither knew how to react.

Jonathan's head dropped down, and that was when Damian took action, "Jon, look I can explain-" but was interrupted by a stumbling Jonathan who was trying to get dressed as quickly and as nicely as possible. "I don't want to hear it." He replied, tears brimming in his eyes, this time not from pleasure but from dejection. Damian gritted his teeth and jumped off the bed, grabbing Jonathan by the wrist.

"You think this is fair?! You should listen to people when they're trying to explain something to you! I mean you, yourself had a kid with that damn dipstick Billy!" Damian growled, now gripping both sides of Jonathan, who looked at him at first in shock, then in anger. "Eli isn't Billy's. He's yours." Jonathan shouted, back at him. That took Damian back with surprise, and gave Jonathan a moment to slip out of his grasp and rush to the door.

Damian blinked once, then twice before realising he had escaped his grasp, tsking then chucking on his own clothes, in a rushed mess. He stumbled after Jonathan who had a clear head start. Mochi, who had been standing guard, tilted his head but didn't go after the running male, making Damian gesture in annoyance. "Jonathan, wait! Please!" Endurance was never Jonathan's strong suit, but his heart was in a mess, in a confusion of whirling emotions, so getting away was his priority and seemed to have given him extra strength to go on.

Tears dripped from his face as he wiped them away, angry that he was easily brought to tears. He wanted to slap himself from being so weak. How could he have been stupid? Of course with the years that escalated between them, things would've happened. Things he couldn't control. This was a result for his own stupidity. He wanted to be with Damian, but he also was shocked to hear that in the years that had separated them, he had the audacity to have a child with someone else. Worse of all, the girl who Jonathan believed to have feelings for Damian in their younger days.

This was his consequence for sleeping with Billy.

Girls were pretty, girls were strong, girls were fragile, and they were perfect for someone with Damian's status and role. Jonathan was basically a nobody in the status of power, money and status. He was just your ordinary farm boy, who came to the city for his fathers work. He was clumsy, had little knowledge of the rich and wasn't good in business and he wasn't exactly someone the whole world needed to know that Damian, the Damian Wayne, was in contact with.

Perhaps, it was a little selfish of him, considering what he had done with Billy, but at least he hadn't decided to bear a child with him!! It wasn't like they were trying either. Jealousy, frustration and sadness roused in Jonathan as he continued running down the hallways, trying to find an exit, taking stairs, jumping flights and sliding down the railing. He wasn't exactly the fittest person, but he was still able to do tricks teenagers' could.

His breathing however, was coming rugged and uneven; he was running out of stamina and options. Perspiration and sweat were already forming, the fact he still had Damian's sperm in him, also left him feeling nauseous. If he didn't get away, Damian would catch up to him in no time. He bolted as soon as he hit the first floor, rushing past the reception desk, earning glances and stares of confused bystanders, and out the door he was. What he thought was a good escape, wasn't good enough.

Damian followed without trouble, seeing the fluffy ball of hair, that Jonathan had slip down the stairs and into open space. He wasn't disguised, so whispers and points were again on him. He didn't care. If he didn't catch Jonathan now he would regret it, he would lose him again, and that wasn't an option.

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