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                                         That feeling of dread, fear, pain and worry. They all clashed with each other and created a turmoil of emotion in Damian. He wanted to tear anything or anyone of which got in his way of finding Jonathan. His panicked heart made him rashly scramble out of the apartment, away from the parents who raised his boyfriend and run outside, to be greeted by a harsh but overall refreshing feeling of wind. The sky was no longer cloudless, instead it had clouded, just as cliché as Damian hated to admit. Although, it was the rainy season, he couldn't help but feel the weather was somehow against him. He could feel Jonathan's presence somewhere, it was fading but it was calling him. He just knew, Jonathan was trying not to be found.

As desperate as he was, he ran. Ran, with no intent in stopping not for the rain, not for anyone. He wanted- needed to in find Jonathan, feel him, touch his skin, kiss him, feel reassured that he was with him. He wanted to hold him with all the love and just wanted him there. He ran to the first place they went together, the mall, the ice cream place, gaming area, clothes store, and then ran to the playground they had hung at, the tree that he imagined his brother's head chopped off, cliff where they had found the most beautiful and comforting place for a view, everywhere they had ever went, visited, stayed at, Garfield's place, even Billy's home, reluctantly.

"Open up, you asshole!" Damian yelled, slamming his fists onto the door of the modern one story home. Billy opened the door with an annoyed expression, his face twisted with disgust and attempted to close the door in his face, in which Damian took as hostility and stopped before he could. "Isn't this a unpleasant surprise?" He spat, as Damian barged in. "Jonathan. Have you seen him?" Damian asked, ignoring him, as he looked from one side of the room to other, nothing. "Look man, I don't know what gives you the right to barge in here and demand answers." Billy scoffed, through gritted teeth. "But I need you to leave,"

Damian glared at him, "you know where he is, don't you?" Billy seemed to find this amusing and leaned down, an infuriated expression flashed on his face. "Even if I did, I wouldn't tell you. He might've ran away for good reason. I told you, you weren't good for him." He sneered. Without a second thought, Damian whacked Billy across the face, knocking him back. Billy begun to laugh, touching his face, with a smile on his aggravated face. "You really thought you could bring him happiness? You're such an idiot." Billy exclaimed, as Damian looked at him with his back turned, his mouth opened to say a retort but he shut it again. His fists were clenched tightly, that his knuckles turned white. He steeled himself before leaving the house, not uttering another word, the words in his mind, it is not worth it, do not get mad, it is not worth it. The slamming door was all that remained, as the sky left no trace of sun or blue, instead it's dark clouds emerged and entangled itself with the crying skies.

Then finally Damian decided to go at the last place he would ever find Jonathan, his home. Damian shoved the doors open, only to be greeted by a baffled Bruce and Dick, who seemed to be deep in a discussion. There in the middle of the entrance his legs gave way and he broke down. The first time in his life, he had ever cried. There was no smiling faces that greeted him, no soft callings of his name, no Jonathan. It was like he just... vanished. Like he had never existed in the first place. Bruce rushed to his son's side, as he crumpled into the ground, sobbing on the floor. The words of worry from his parental and brother made became ushered words of buzz in his ears. He just continued to cry.

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