Sex hair, Meeting the parents and Utmost buffoonery

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Skylar panted hard as she ran after a certain brown-haired boy, but he was too far out of her reach so she did the next best thing

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Skylar panted hard as she ran after a certain brown-haired boy, but he was too far out of her reach so she did the next best thing. Jumping on the sofa ledge she launched herself into the air, tackling him to the ground, his body taking the impact of the fall as he groaned in pain underneath her.

"Ha!" she said in victory as she held her phone in the air, kissing it.

Even though Chase had just been tackled to the ground, he still looked sinfully handsome. His hair was sticking in all different directions much like sex hair and his cheeks were pink due to running from the girl that was sitting on top of him, and also because the girl was sitting on top of him.

"I swear to god, you crazy baffoon. My body hurts, why aren't you on the football team?" He groaned from under her, causing her to look at him like he was the crazy one.

"You're the one who started this baffoonery! I was showing you memes, memes and you took my phone and ran off with it!" This caused Chase to roll his eyes but also smile because when he ran before he knew that he'd play hell for it but he could not say that he would really mind, because if hell came from this girl, then he would take hell over heaven any day.

And that was when the door swung open revealing two people. Well, one woman, and a teenage boy.

The lady looked at Skylar then at Chase, then back at Skylar. And in that very moment Skylar Jones realised two things:

Firstly, she was straddling Chase in what was a very promiscuous position.

Secondly, the lady in the doorway was without a doubt Chase Illea's mother.

She quickly scrambled off Chase and looked at Chase's mother.

The room was suddenly extremely suffocating and the awkwardness was extremely palpable.

And there was one clear thought going through Sky's mind, which was

Well, this was awkward.

However, she was not the only one who felt the same the way.

"Jesus fuck," said Chase's mom as she looked at them, clearly shocked but quickly gained composure, "Well this is certainly very awkward, Who is this young lady?"

She looked to Chase for answers and she could see Chase visibly swallow as his Adam's apple bobbed up and then down.

"Hi, ma," Chase said nervously as the woman continued to stare at them, in shock.

"Uh, well ma. She's kinda, uh how do I say it- uh um well," He was interrupted when the boy looked at the two of them and said one word.


The statement those words delivered was quite shocking, not only to Sky but to her dear, dear boyfriend and his mother. However, she had no time to counter she was engulfed in a hug.

"Chase, you never told me you had a girlfriend! Oh my, I totally forgot my manners! I am Chase's mother but you can call me Cindy and this is Ryder, my other child," She said as she let go and turned around and hit Chase in the head, "Chase Avery Illea, you have a lot of explaining to do young man,"

Now, if it were a different situation Sky would have laughed that Chase's middle name was Avery. But the situation was not different and she did not laugh. Luckily, the awkward situation did not last long.

"It's very nice to meet you, however, I have to go to work. I got called in for an emergency shift. Although I will see you later! And I am dropping Ryder off with his friends. Just wanted to check up on you," She said as she turned around grabbing the keys

"But clearly, you were a little preoccupied," Ryder said with a snort as he looked between the pair, smirking before he followed his mom to the car.

Leaving me in shock as I stared at Chase who looked equally as flustered and tried to make sense of the situation.

"Man, this relationship is moving fast isn't it babe. I mean, you already met the family," He said with a laugh and it was a nice, genuine laugh, which made Sky happy.

"Ain't that the truth,"

"Ain't that the truth,"

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Guys later on I decided to change Chase's brother name from Alex to Ryder

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