chapter 7

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"awwww!" Félix cooed. Mark flipped Felix off

Felix chuckled, "well I'm gonna leave you two alone" he said starting to walk away. "Oh! And make sure to use protection" he called out. Mark face palmed so hard he almost put a hole through his face.

Jack blushed and looked at mark, "you ok?". Mark blushed and sighed, "Yeah. Felix is such a piece of shit though"

Jack shrugged, "he seems pretty cool". Mark shook his head and rolled his eyes, feeling a little jealous

"but I don't think I could stand him for more than an hour" jack joked. Well he wasn't lying, Félix seems too silly for jack to handle. Mark smiled a little and stared at Jack

Jack noticed mark staring and blushed a bit, "what? Do I have something on my face?" he asked shyly. "Only your pretty" Mark blurted out stupidly

Jack blushed, "w-what?" he asked. Mark blushed madly when he realized what he said, "I... uh..." He didn't know what to say so he just covered his face

Jack stared at mark for a bit. Mark was really embarrassed

Jack gently grabbed mark's hands and uncovered mark's face. Mark's face was red

Jack smiled softly and ran his hand through mark's hair. Mark stared at Jack

Jack then ruffled mark's hair like mark does to his (Jack's) hair. Mark smiled

Jack smiled back. Mark ruffled Jack's hair

Jack giggled and playfully stuck his tongue out at mark. Mark grinned and blushed a bit. He never realized how cute Jack was.

Jack stopped sticking his tongue out and smiled sweetly at mark, "by the way, you did awesome out there" he said talking about the football game. Mark blushed a little more, "Thank you" He said in a genuine tone

"you're welcome, marky" jack said smiling.Mark grinned again

Jack sighed softly, "well I hate to say this but I gotta go home, see you tomorrow mark!" he said smiling at mark before he started walking away. Mark got an idea and he grabbed Jack's wrist, "Wait!"

Jack stopped walking and turned around to face mark, "what's up?" he asked curiously.Mark blushed a bit and started, "Um.... w-well I wouldn't w-want you walking home alone... I m-mean something bad could happen to you... n-not that I want anything b-bad to happen to you..." Mark rambled on

"are you trying to say that you want to walk home with me?" jack asked tilting his head curiously.Mark looked away and nodded

Jack smiled softly, "of course you can walk with me home, I don't mind" he said smiling. Mark smiled

Jack looked down and blushed a bit when he still saw mark's hand on his arm. Mark followed Jack's gaze and blushed, "S-Sorry..." He pulled his hand away

"its ok" jack said softly, he then started his walk home with mark following.Mark snuck a few glances towards Jack as they walked. Mark felt weird around Jack, his heart felt like it was gonna pop out of his chest any second and he felt like blushing just by looking at him. He felt like smiling whenever he thought of Jack. Mark was pinning hard.

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