chapter 34

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Jack tilted his head like a curious puppy. Mark grinned,"so cute "

Jack blushed, "I am Not cute!" he said pouting. Mark smiled, "You are too."

Jack blushed more and shook his head. Mark smiled and nodded

"noooo, I'm not cute!!!!" jack whined. Mark laughed

Jack crossed his arms and pouted. Mark smiled and kissed Jack's lips

Jack blushed madly and kissed back. Mark smiled and kissed Jack sweetly

Jack kissed back lovingly. Mark smiled into the kiss

Jack tilted his head a bit to deepen the kiss. Mark blushed and wrapped his arms around Jack's waist.

Jack wrapped an arm around mark's neck while the other was gently placed on the side of mark's face. Mark blushed more and pulled away gently.

Jack saw how red mark's face was and he giggled, "look who is the cute one now!". Mark chuckled and shook his head

Jack nodded, "yes you are, cutie!". Mark blushed and rolled his eyes playfully

Jack smiled and gently cupped mark's face. Mark blushed more

Jack stared at mark with a smile on his face. Mark blushed madly, "W-What?"

"nothing, just looking at your beauty " jack said smiling. Mark's face went red and he looked away

Jack giggled and kissed mark's cheek. Mark blushed and smiled a bit

"there is the smile, I love!" jack said loudly. Mark chuckled and pecked Jack's lips

Jack smiled and clapped his hands and jumped up and down. Mark chuckled, "You're so silly"

"I know!" jack said smiling. Mark smiled back

Jack kissed mark's nose. Mark blushed and grinned

Jack smiled and got off the bed. Mark got off the bed.

Jack smirked and tackled mark in a hug. Mark fell back with an "oof!"

Jack smiled and looked at mark. Mark smiled back

Jack kissed mark's forehead. Mark smiled softly

"I love you a lot" jack said smiling. "I love you more" mark said smiling.

Jack shook his head, "no me more!" he said. Mark smiled, "No, me more"

"Nooo me!" jack pouted. "Nooo me!" Mark pouted

Jack giggled and pecked mark's lips. Mark blushed and smiled

Jack smiled back. Mark picked Jack up

Jack yelped and held on mark. Mark smiled and ran off with Jack

Jack giggled, "m-mark, what are you Doing?". Mark smiled and spun Jack around

Jack held mark's shirt tightly, "MERK!" he squeaked out between giggles. Mark smiled at Jack's adorable giggles and continued to spin Jack.

"LET ME GO!" jack yelled giggling more. Mark laughed and shook his head

Jack buried his face in mark's neck. Mark smiled and stopped spinning

Jack was holding onto mark tightly as his head was spinning. Mark kissed Jack's cheek.

Jack blushed and smiled softly. Mark smiled back

Jack pressed his forehead against mark's. Mark looked into Jack's eyes

Jack's blue eyes looked like an ocean if you stared for too long, you caught up in the beauty. Mark blushed and continued to stare in awe

Jack blushed when he noticed this, "why are you giving that look?" he asked smiling shyly. Mark blushed more, "Your eyes are really beautiful"

Jack blushed, "you think so?" he asked. "Yeah..." Mark said

Jack blushed and smiled shyly, "t-thank you". Mark smiled at Jack, "You're welcome"

Jack giggled and kissed mark's lips. Mark blushed and kissed back

Jack wrapped his arms around mark's neck. Mark kissed Jack passionately

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