chapter 41

613 23 5

*smut warning*

Jack continued to kiss marks neck as he rubbed marks chest. Mark moaned, "J-Jack..."

"Yeah?" Jack asked. Mark sighed a bit.

Jack then felt something hard, underneath his butt. Jack looked up at mark. Mark blushed madly.

Jack smiled, "someone's happy to see me~" he teased. Mark looked away, blushing madly.

Jack smiled and got off of marks lap. Mark blushed and stood up. He grabbed the plates and went to the sink to wash them

Jack smiled and walked over to the sink, he leaned into Marks ear. "Mmm~...m-mark~" Jack moaned in marks ear.Mark stopped washing the dishes and in one swift movement, turned around and pushed Jack against the wall. He started biting, kissing and sucking at Jack's neck.

Jack blushed and moaned. Mark sucked on Jack's sweetspot

Jack moaned out. Mark bit down on Jack's sweet spot

"A-ah!~" jack moaned out. Mark pulled away and kissed Jack's lips roughly.

Jack moaned through the kiss. Mark lightly nibbled on Jack's bottom lip.

Jack opened his mouth a bit. Mark slipped his tongue in and explored Jack's mouth

Jack's hand ran through mark hair as they two made out. Mark moaned into the kiss and sucked at Jack's tongue

Jack moaned through the kiss as well. Mark grabbed Jack's hips.

Jack gently pulled on marks hair as they kissed.Mark moaned and pulled away from the kiss.

Jack panted softly. Mark panted as well. He looked at Jack hungrily

Jack looked back at mark, Jack's eyes full of lust. Mark bit his lip and pressed Jack against the wall. He grabbed Jack's legs and wrapped them around Mark's waist.

Jack wrapped his arms around marks neck. Mark put his hands under Jack's butt for support and carried Jack to his bedroom.

Jack squeaked and kiss marks neck. Mark moaned and stopped at the foot of the bed

Jack realized he still had his glasses on, he took them off and threw them on the small counter next to marks bed. The glasses landed on the counter. Mark set Jack down on the bed and took off his (Mark's) shirt.

Jack blushed and stared at marks now bare chest. Mark smiled and got on top of Jack. He took Jack's shirt off and licked his lips.

Jack blushed more and giggled a bit. Mark smiled at Jack's adorable giggle and planted a kiss on Jack's lips

Jack smiled softly and kissed marks forehead. Mark blushed and kissed down Jack's chest

Jack blushed and bit his lip. Mark kissed down until he got to Jack's V line. He decided to tease Jack a little by licking around Jack's V line.

Jack whined softly, "m-merkyyyy". Mark smiled and looked up at Jack, "Hm?"

"Stop teasing me" jack whined. Mark smiled, "Oh really? Because I know a little trouble maker was teasing me aaaalll day long~" Mark smirked

Jack blushed a bit, "I don't know what you're talking about" he said crossing his arms. Mark continued to tease Jack.

Jack moaned softly and whined a bit. Mark smirked, "Alright~ I'll stop teasing you now~" He pulled down Jack's boxers.

Jacks gasped and moaned when, his dick was freed from his boxers.Mark smiled and wrapped his fingers around Jack's dick.

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