chapter 23

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"and Why not?" Brittany asked sassily, then she noticed jack sitting next to mark. "Is it because you've been hanging with loser?" She asked bitterly pointing at jack. "First of all, I'm gay. Which means I don't like girls and if I did like girls, I wouldn't like such a snotty brat like you. Secondly, Jack is very cool and nice. Cooler than you, that's for sure." Mark rolled his eyes

Jack blushed a bit and looked at Brittany. "Fine! I leave you two, faggots alone!" She snapped and stormed off. Mark shook his head and looked at Jack

Jack looked back at mark, "what were you gonna say?" He asked. Mark blushed, "Um... nothing... It was nothing..."

Jack nodded. Mark looked down and blushed more.

Jack noticed this and placed a gentle on marks back. Mark jumped a bit at the contact, but smiled.

Jack smiled softly at mark. Mark smiled back

Jack gently rubbed mark's back. Mark blushed a bit and stared at Jack

Jack noticed mark staring, "hello marky" he said smiling. Mark smiled, "Hi, Jacky."

Jack giggled softly. Mark ruffled Jack's hair.

Jack crossed his arms and pouted. Mark smiled

Jack smiled back. Mark blushed a little when he thought about going on a walk with Jack after school

Jack got up to throw his trash away. Mark did the same.

Jack looked at mark and smiled brightly. Mark blushed more, "H-Hey... Jack?"

"yeah?" jack asked curiously. "Would y-you... like to g-go on a w-walk with m-me... after school?" Mark stuttered out shyly and blushed

Jack smiled, "yeah, sure!" he said smiling. Mark smiled brightly, "Awesome."

Jack giggled at how mark's behavior changed quickly. Mark blushed and grinned at Jack.

Jack grabbed mark hand and pulled him out of the lunch room. Mark blushed and stared at their hands as he was pulled out of the lunchroom by Jack.

Jack stopped a bit and looked at mark, his hand still holding mark's. Mark blushed and looked at Jack.

Jack smiled at mark. Mark smiled back

Without thinking jack kissed mark's cheek. Mark's heart skipped at beat and he stared at Jack, blushing.

Jack blushed a bit but he smiled and said, "what's wrong, darling?". Mark blushed more and smiled shyly, "Why are you calling me darling?" He asked in a playful tone

"cause that's what you are" jack said smiling. Mark blushed and smiled, "Then I shall call you beauty"

Jack blushed and smiled, "ok, darling". Mark smiled and pecked Jack's forehead

Jack blushed madly and looked up at mark. Mark smiled at Jack

Jack smiled back and kissed the tip of mark's nose. Mark blushed and grinned at Jack.

Jack hugged mark. Mark blushed more and hugged back

Jack was so happy, he just wish he could ask his crush out or at least be brave enough to tell his crush that jack likes him. Mark hugged Jack tightly. Jack made him really happy. Mark wanted to ask Jack out. He should talk to Felix and ask for help.

Jack giggled, "you're so warm and comfy " he said smiling. Mark smiled, "You're so cuddly."

Jack smiled and cuddled up to mark. Mark grinned and closed his eyes

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