chapter 47

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Jack looked all around the room but he couldn't them. "Jack? What are you looking for?" Mark asked

"My glasses, I can't find them" jack said worriedly. Mark looked around and saw Jack's glasses on the bed. He grabbed them and put them on, "You mean these?"

Jack smiled and nodded, he sat down on the bed, "where did you find them?". "They were on the bed, you dork" Mark laughed

Jack blushed madly, "o-oh" he said embarrassed, he gently took his glasses off of mark and put them himself, trying to ignore that he totally embarrassed himself in front of mark. Mark noticed Jack seemed embarrassed, "Hey,don't worry. One time I was looking for my phone and I yelled at Felix to tell me where it was and he told me I had it in my hand and I looked at my hand and my phone was in it all along."

Jack giggled at what mark said about his phone. "Oh wow, I bet you felt really dumb after you found that out" he joked smiling. Mark smiled and nodded

Jack giggled more and smiled brightly, he didn't feel as embarrassed as before now. Mark pecked Jack's lips

Jack blushed and smiled. Mark smiled more

Jack pecked marks lips. Mark blushed and smiled widely

Suddenly Marks phone went off. Mark picked it up, "Hello?"

"Oh hi mark!" It was marks mom. Mark smiled, "Oh, hey mom! What's up?"

"Well I was wondering if you wanted to come and visit" marks mom asked. Mark smiled, "Yeah. I'd love to visit." He looked at Jack and smiled more when he got an idea, "Can I bring someone with me?"

"Of course you can, I always love meeting new friends of yours" Marks mom said smiling.Mark grinned, "Okay, mom. I'll see you then. Love you."

"Love you, goodbye" marks mom said sweetly before she hung up. Mark smiled and put his phone down, he looked at Jack and blushed a bit when he realized Jack heard the conversation

Jack smiled softly at mark, "so that was your mom?" He asked smiling. Mark blushed and nodded, "Yeah, she asked me to come over... Wanna go with me?" Mark smiled

Jack smiled more and nodded, "yeah sure!". Mark grinned, "Cool!" He smiled when he got an idea, "Wanna take a shower with me?"

Jack blushed madly, "s-sure". Mark smiled and kissed Jack's cheek. He got off the bed and grabbed Jack's hand and pulled him to the shower gently.

Jack watched as mark turned the shower on. Mark took off his boxers and got in. He waited for Jack.

Jack sighed and took off his boxers before he got into the shower with Mark.Mark smiled at Jack

Jack shyly smiled back at mark. Mark kissed Jack's cheek and began washing himself

Jack started to wash himself as well. Mark looked at Jack and pecked his lips

Jack blushed and smiled softly. Mark smiled back and finished washing off

Jack finished washing off as well.Mark turned off the shower and got out. He handed Jack a towel and got one for himself

Jack wrapped the towel around himself before he got out of the shower. Mark wrapped the towel around his waist and walked to the room. He picked out some clothes for Jack and some for himself.

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