chapter 11

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"I tripped and fell down pretty hard, so the nurse said I should go home early and get some rest" jack explained. Mark nodded, "Well, you should go home now then. I hope you feel better" Mark said in a gentle tone.

Jack nodded, "yeah, thank you for understanding mark" jack said smiling softly. Mark smiled and nodded.

"goodbye mark" jack said to mark before he walked away and walked up to the front doors, opened them and left. He then started walking home. Mark sighed and walked to lunch

Jack soon got home and walked inside, he walked into his room and laid down on his bed. *time skip to football practice* Mark was on a small break, drinking water next to some of his team mates

Jack was fast asleep, meanwhile at the football practice next to mark were two guys. "you know that loser kid?" one of them, his name was Noah, said. The other guy, his name is Liam, nodded, "yeah, what about him?" he asked. Noah smiled, "well, I saw him walking down the hall so I stuck my foot out and tripped him. " he said. Liam's eyes widen, "dude seriously?!" he asked shocked. Noah chuckled and nodded, "yeah and the whole hall started laughing at him and then the little bitch ran off like a pussy" Noah said. Liam laughed and smiled. Mark heard this and stood up, he turned to the guys, "Were you the ones that tripped Jack?" He asked in an angry voice

"why do you care?" Noah asked annoyed someone was listening to his conversation. Mark grabbed Noah by his shirt, "I'm only gonna ask once more, you little shit." He growled in a threatening tone. "Were you the fucking ones that tripped Jack?"

"I wasn't there when it happened but Noah was the one to cause it" Liam said. Noah glared at liam. "You better fucking apologize if you want to keep your teeth in your mouth." Mark glared at Noah

"apologize?! To the fucking nerd!? Hell no!" Noah said. Mark threw Noah on the ground.

Noah quickly got back up, "what the fuck, man?!" he said angrily."Apologize" Mark said sternly, but Noah punched him in the face.

Soon a fight started, Félix ran over and grabbed mark and pulled him away from Noah.Mark was wrecked, but Noah looked worse. Mark had a black eye and a busted lip and his had small cuts and bruises on his face. He didn't struggle to get out of Felix's grip.

The coach walked over, "what is going on here?" he asked sternly. "These assholes tripped Jack" Mark mumbled

The coach sighed, "mark, don't worry about them. Pay attention to practice, beside don't worry about the nerd, I'm sure he's fine" he said simply like jack getting hurt wasn't a big deal. Mark glared at the coach, "I'm not in the mood to argue, but Jack getting hurt- anyone getting hurt because of bullying is a big deal." Mark sighed, "I'm leaving." Mark walked home

Jack started to slowly wake up, he had another dream about him and mark dating. Jack sighed and sat up. Mark couldn't sleep because of how upset he was at the coach for not doing anything. He was up early and he tried to wash some of his cuts which he covered with small bandages. He got dreed and started walking to school.

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