chapter 31

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Jack got off the bed and smiled at mark. Mark smiled at Jack and got off the bed as well

Jack smiled back and hugged himself making him look adorable. Mark blushed and smiled brightly

Jack felt so warm he didn't want to move that was until mark picked him up making jack blush and yelp. Mark laughed and carried Jack to the living room

Jack buried his face in mark's neck. Mark smiled and set Jack down gently on the couch

Jack looked up at mark. Mark smiled at Jack

Jack smiled back and grabbed mark by his shirt and pulled him onto the couch. Mark yelped and fell onto the couch.

Jack wrapped his arms around mark and held him like a teddy bear. Mark blushed madly and smiled a bit

Jack smiled and kissed mark's forehead. Mark blushed and smiled more

Jack started playing with mark's hair. Mark smiled calmly.

Jack let his fingers run through mark's hair. Mark closed his eyes and purred.

Jack smiled, "kitty!". Mark blushed, "I'm not a kitty"

Jack giggled, "then what are you, the big bad wolf!?" he teased. Mark pouted, "You're insulting my manliness."

"noo I'm not, I think you're very manly. My marky" jack said smiling. Mark blushed more and crossed his arms.

Jack giggled, "no but seriously, I really do think you're manly but just know I'm not gonna get upset or mad if you don't act like it once in a while. " he said a serious but caring tone. Mark smiled and nodded. He kissed Jack's cheek

Jack smiled, "I love you". "I love you too." Mark smiled

"I love you more" jack said smiling. Mark shook his head, "I love you more"

"no me more" jack said smiling. "Noooo. Me more!" Mark pouted

Jack giggled and kissed mark's nose. Mark blushed and smiled

"I'm yours, right marky?" jack asked smiling. "Yes, you're mine." Mark blushed more

"what if someone wanted to have me?" jack asked smiling. "They can't have you." Mark said sternly

"what if they flirted with me?" jack asked curiously. "I'll punch them." mark said sternly.

Jack giggled, "that's my big boy wolf" he said smiling. Mark blushed and smiled.

Jack smiled back and kissed mark's forehead. Mark smiled, "I was gonna make breakfast before you pulled me down on the couch, you trouble maker."

"but you're sooooo warm" jack whined. Mark chuckled, "You only love me because of my warmness"

"noooo, I love you because you're very sweet and nice and I love you're adorable face, I also love your personality" jack whined. Mark blushed madly, "I was joking." He covered his face

Jack smiled and giggled. Mark was flustered.

"awww" jack said smiling. Mark blushed more, "Staaahp"

"nope!" jack said giggling. Mark pouted and uncovered his face.

"see you're soo adorable " jack cooed. Mark playfully glared at Jack

Jack giggled and smiled innocently at mark. "I gotta make breakfast, Jacky." Mark pouted

"ok" jack said smiling as he let go of mark. Mark smiled and kissed Jack's forehead before he stood up and walked to the kitchen.

Jack laid down on the couch and sighed happily. Mark put on an apron and started making breakfast

Jack got off the couch and walked over to mark, he saw the apron and smiled, "how manly" he teased. Mark blushed and looked down at his apron which had a woman's body on it, "I-It's my mom's!"

you're the jock to my nerdحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن