chapter 50

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Jack smiled and hugged mark back. Mark kissed Jack's forehead gently, "I love youuuu"

"i love yooouuu too" jack said smiling. Mark smiled back, "You're so cute"

Jack blushed and smiled shyly. Mark smiled and kissed Jack's cheek.

Jack blushes more. Mark smiled, "How about we go get ice cream?"

Jack smiles and nodded. Mark grinned and grabbed Jack's hand, "Let's go!"

Jack squeaked as he was pulled out off the house. Mark smiled and pulled Jack to the ice cream place.

Jack giggled and smiled. Mark smiled and opened the door for Jack

"Thank you" jack said kindly as he walked inside the ice cream place. Mark smiled and was about to walk in, but he saw another guy was gonna walk in, so he held the door open. The brunette smiled, "Thank you." He said politely and walked inside. Mark smiled and walked to Jack.

Jack smiled at mark.Mark smiled back and grabbed Jack's hand again.

Jack blushed a bit and smiled. The girl at the counter asked for their orders. Mark ordered a cone with a chocolate and a strawberry scoop.

Jack ordered a vanilla cone with a chocolate scoop. Mark paid for the ice creams and the two sat down at a booth, ice creams in hand.

Jack started to lick his ice cream. Mark did the same. Suddenly, the guy he had opened the door for earlier walked towards Mark, "Hello..." Mark looked up at him, "Hi" The guy was blushing.

Jack looked up and saw the guy, he tilted his head in confusion. "You're really handsome" The brunette put his hand on Mark's shoulder

Jack's eyes widen and he felt jealousy run through his veins. Jack glared at the guy. Mark looked at Jack and then at the guy, "Uh... that's a nice thing to say, but I have a boyfriend.." The guy looked at Jack and raised an eyebrow, "Well, I could be your new boyfriend."

Jack growled lowly and rolled his eyes, "like he would wanna date someone like you" he muttered. The guy looked at Jack, "Well, he is dating someone like you " He put his hand on his hip. Mark glared at the guy

"Yeah because he choose to be with me and not be stuck with an asshole like you" jack said. The guy rolled his eyes, "Well," he looked at Mark, "The name's Matt." He handed Mark a piece of paper, "Call me when you get tired of this" The guy gestured at Jack.

Jack suddenly got up and punched the guy right off of his feet. Mark's eyes widened and he grabbed Jack's arm. Matt held his nose. He looked up at Jack in fear, "Jesus fuck, dude." He got up and ran off. Mark looked at Jack, surprised.

Jack was still a bit annoyed about what the guy, matt, had said. Mark hugged Jack, "Calm down, Jacky. Breathe."

Jack blushed a bit when mark hugged him but he listened and did as mark said. Mark smiled and ran his hand through Jack's hair.

Jack purred softly and leaned into the touch. Mark pulled away and walked to the trashcan. He threw Matt's number inside.

Jack smiled when he saw this. Mark smiled at Jack, "Jesus Christ, Jack. You sure know how to punch"

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