chapter 44

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Jack slowly woke up. Mark was cuddled up to Jack

Jack blushed a bit and smiled softly. Mark smiled in his sleep

Jack kissed marks forehead. Mark blushed in his sleep

Jack smiled and grabbed his glasses and put them on, he then sat up. Mark whined in his sleep

Jack giggled and ruffled marks hair, "what's wrong darling". Mark pouted in his sleep and held Jack tightly

Jack blushed and sighed, he laid back down and kissed marks cheek. Mark smiled in his sleep

Jack smiled and kissed Mark's nose. Mark blushed in his sleep

Jack then kissed marks lips. Mark kissed back as he slowly woke up. 

Jack gently pulled away from the kiss and smiled lovingly at mark. Mark looked at Jack and smiled

Jack smiled back. Mark blushed a bit when he realized they were both naked

Jack blushed a bit and looked away shyly. Mark smiled and kissed Jack's forehead, "You're so beautiful"

Jack blushed more. Mark planted a kiss on Jack's neck, then one on Jack's chest, one on Jack's tummy, one on his V line and one on his thigh. And finally, one on Jack's lips

Jack melted into the kiss and kisses back. Mark kissed Jack lovingly

Jack kissed back sweetly. Mark smiled and put his hands on Jack's hips

Jack wrapped an arm around marks neck. Mark smiled and kissed Jack passionately

Jack smiled and kissed back passionately. Mark pulled away

Jack stared at mark. Mark smiled at Jack

jack smiled back, "I love you". Mark blushed, "I love you more "

Jack giggled and booped marks nose. Mark smiled brightly

Jack gently put a hand on marks face. Mark blushed and looked at Jack lovingly

Jack blushed a bit and smiled softly. Mark smiled more, "We gotta go to school today"

Jack pouted, "but I don't want tooo". "You gotta. You can't not go to school." mark pointed out. 

"But I wanna stay and cuddle with you" jack whined. Mark bit his lip, "So do I."

Jack sighed and sat up. Mark pouted

Jack looked at mark and smiled, "awwww, what's wrong?" He cooed. "Now I don't wanna go to school" Mark pouted

Jack giggled, "well do you want to do" jack asked smiling. Mark laid back, "I don't want to gooo"

"Go where?" Jack teased. "Anywhere" Mark whined

"Do you wanna stay home?" Jack asked. Mark nodded

"Well what do you want to do at home?" Jack asked smiling. "Cuddle..." mark said softly 

Jack smiled more and laid down. Mark hugged Jack

Jack hugged mark back. Mark smiled, "I love you "

"I love you too!" Jack said smiling. Mark smiled more

Jack put a hand on marks bare chest. Mark blushed and looked at Jack.

Jack looked back at Mark and smiled softly. Mark smiled back

Jack the placed a small kiss on marks chest. Mark blushed and grinned

Jack looked up at mark. Mark pecked Jack's lips

Jack blushed and smiled softly. Mark pecked Jack's forehead

jack smiled more. Mark kissed Jack's cheek

Jack stared at mark. Mark blushed a bit

Jack's eyes looked up and down mark. Mark blushed more.

Jack noticed mark blushing red, he smiled. Mark looked away shyly

Jack giggled again and kissed marks cheek. Mark smiled and closed his eyes

Jack smiled and sighed happily. Mark hugged Jack tightly

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