chapter 12

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Jack got off the bed and started to get changed new clothes, his body was a bit sore but other wise it felt better than yesterday. Mark got to school.

Jack grabbed his stuff and walked out of the house and started walking to school. Soon he got to school and walked inside, he then started walking to his first class. Mark was in Mrs. Griffin's class, in his seat.

Jack soon got his first class and walked inside, the first thing he noticed was mark's beaten up face. Jack frowned and sat in the seat next to mark's instead of sitting in his own seat like he normally would. Mark looked at Jack and smiled innocently

"mark, what happened?" jack asked worriedly. "I may have gotten in a fight..." mark said softly. 

"what? Why?" jack asked getting more worried. Mark looked away and shrugged. It was obvious he knew why

Jack frowned and sighed, "well I feel less sore then yesterday" he said softly. Mark smiled, "Good"

"did you get in a fight with someone on another team?" jack asked. Mark was about to answer when Noah walked in, also looking beat up

Jack saw mark's face turned into annoyed, jack followed mark's glaze to see Noah beaten up. Jack looked back at mark, "did you get in a fight with Noah?" he asked. Mark nodded

Jack noticed mark was still staring at Noah, jack sighed and gently put a hand on mark's face. "mark" he said. Mark blushed and looked at Jack

"why did you two get into a fight" jack asked still holding mark's face with one hand. Mark couldn't say no to Jack it was worse that Jack was holding his face. He sighed, "Fine, I'll tell you..."

Jack nodded. "I was at practice... And we were taking a break and I overheard Noah saying he tripped you so I told him to apologize and he said he wouldn't apologize to a nerd and I threw him down and then he punched me and we got into a fight." Mark explained. "Then, Felix pulled me away from the fight and the coach asked what happened, I told him Noah hurt you and he didn't care, so I left."

Jack smiled softly, "thank you for sticking up for me, I'm sorry you got into a fight. Maybe you could come over to my house and I could fix those cuts right up" he said in a gentle tone. Mark blushed and smiled a bit, "Don't be sorry, it was my choice of getting into a fight. And I'd love to.."

Jack smiled more and gently took his hand off mark's face. Mark frowned a little at the loss of contact

Jack noticed mark's little frown, "what's with the little frown, marky?" he asked in an adorable voice. Mark blushed and looked away, "N-Nothing."

Jack giggled, "silly marky!" he said smiling. Mark smiled a bit

Jack smiled and ruffled mark's hair. Mark laughed

Jack giggled. Soon, class started

Jack started writing notes. Mark listened to the teacher

Jack laid his head on the desk and fell asleep. Mark noticed this and stared at Jack. He smiled as he thought of how cute Jack was. Mark suddenly realized something... He liked Jack... a lot. More than a friend.

Jack cuddled up to the desk in his sleep. Mark was blushing a lot

Mrs. Griffin noticed jack was asleep, she sighed and looked at mark, "mark?". Mark looked at Mrs. Griffin, "Yes?"

"can you please wake Sean up" mrs. Griffin asked nicely. Mark blushed and nodded, he shook Jack lightly, "Jack... Jack..." He called

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