chapter 32

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"surrrreeee it is" jack teased more smiling. Mark pouted, "You're gonna starve if you don't stop teasing me"

"that's fine with me" jack said smiling. Mark pouted and continued cooking breakfast

Jack playfully rolled his eyes and kissed mark's cheek. Mark blushed and smiled at Jack

Jack smiled back. Mark kissed Jack's cheek

Jack blushed and smiled more. Mark grinned and finished making breakfast.

Jack walked over to the table and sat down in a chair. Mark served breakfast in plates and walked over to the table.

Jack smiled kindly at mark. Mark smiled back and set the plate on the table. He went back to the kitchen, "What do you want to drink?"

"Chocolate milk!" Jack said like an excited child. Mark chuckled and nodded, "Chocolate milk for the cutie."

Jack blushed, "I'm not cute!" He squeaked. Mark walked to Jack and put his glass chocolate milk on the table in front of Jack, "And I'm not Mark FischBach."

Jack playfully rolled his eyes and took a sip of the chocolate milk. Mark walked back to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice

Jack took another sip of his drink, "we have school to go to tomorrow" he said softly. Mark pouted, "I don't waaannaaaaa"

"Ok, then don't go to school tomorrow. I'll go to school for you" Jack said. Mark frowned, "But then I'll be lonely" He walked to the table and sat down in a chair.

"Well how about, we both don't go to school and instead cuddle and kiss all day!" Jack said smiling. "I'd like that, but are you sure you wanna ruin your perfect attendance over kissing and cuddling me?" Mark asked a bit unsure

Jack blushed and nodded, "y-yes" he said shyly. he really did want to hang out with mark and not have to go to school. Mark blushed and smiled, "Awe, aren't you such a Romeo?"

jack blushed more, "w-well romeo d-did die at t-the end...s-so no?" He stuttered out, god he was so shy and flustered. Mark laughed, "I meant before death, Mr. smarty pants."

Jack covered his bright red face. "Jacky?" Mark asked

"Hm?" Jack muttered through his hands. "Are you okay?"Mark asked a little worried

Jack nodded, "y-yes, just f-flustered". Mark smiled, "Okie dokie, Jacky."

Jack suddenly sneezed like a kitten. Mark blushed and smiled, "Awweeeee."

Jack uncovered his face and pouted. Mark winked at Jack and started to eat his breakfast.

Jack was quiet for a moment before he started letting out small and embarrassed squeaks. Mark looked at Jack, "Are you okay?"

Jack nodded, when jack gets extremely flustered he gets squeaky...meaning he squeaks instead of talking or he is a stuttering mess. Mark smiled a little, "Alright. Well, eat your breakfast, love."

Jack nodded and started eating his food.Mark smiled and continued eating his breakfast, occasionally sipping some orange juice.

Soon the two males have eaten breakfast, jack ran off into marks room and jumped on marks bed and curled up in the blankets. Mark chuckled and shook his head, he grabbed the dishes and put them in the sink. He walked to his room.

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