chapter 9

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Jack blushed more, "o-oh shush!". Mark hugged Jack more tightly before pulling away.

Jack giggled, he took off his glasses to clean them a bit. Mark stared at Jack without his glasses. He blushed. Jack looked gorgeous without glasses (not that he didn't look gorgeous with them)

Jack looked over at mark while he cleaned his glasses. Mark blushed madly

Jack put his glasses back on and smiled at mark. Mark smiled back shyly

Jack looked up and stopped walking. Mark followed Jack's gaze and realized they were at Jack's house.

Jack sighed and looked at mark, "well, I'll see you tomorrow?" he asked looking at mark. Mark smiled at Jack and nodded, "See you tomorrow, Jacky." He ruffled Jack's hair before walking home

Jack smiled and watched as mark left, after mark was out of his sight. Jack walked into his house and walked to his room and sat down on his bed. Mark got to his house and laid on his bed. He began day dreaming about Jack, about Jack's eyes and voice.... about Jack's body and his face... Everything.

Jack sighed to himself, "I can't believe I actually talked to my crush!" he said smiling to himself.Mark continued to say dream about Jack and his cute smile

Mark's phone went off a bit, saying that he got a text from Félix. 'so how are you and your boyfriend ;) '. Mark blushed madly and texted back 'He is not my boyfriend!'

'suuurree he isn't XD ' Félix texted back. 'He's not!!' mark texted back.

'whatever, did you get his phone number?' Félix texted.'oh ok,i saw you two leave together. What happened on your walk *wink wink nudge nudge* ' Félix texted back. Mark blushed more 'Nothing happened.' he lied.

'lies!' Félix texted. Mark sighed, he knew he couldn't keep stuff from Felix, ' He called me cute, we hugged. Stuff.'

'awwww, I ship it! >w< ' Félix texted smiling. Mark rolled his eyes 'Shut up'

'nope!' Félix texted back. Meanwhile Jack laid down on his bed and started thinking of mark. Mark huffed.

Jack blushed madly when he thought about how close mark had gotten when he tried to prove jack wrong. Mark was thinking about Jack and he remembered Jack's hug. It was so warm and nice and it made Mark's heart ache for more hugs.

Jack grabbed his pillow and covered his red face. Mark closed his eyes, his thoughts still occupied by Jack

Jack uncovered his face and sighed and closed his eyes. Mark fell asleep. Jack soon fell asleep as well 

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