chapter 24

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Jack sighed peacefully. Mark smiled

Jack pulled away from the hug and smiled, "let's go on the walk!" he said excitedly. Mark smiled and nodded.

The two walked out of the school and started on their walk. Mark took out his phone and texted Felix, 'Feliiiix. I need help'

'with what?' Félix texted back. 'With Jack.' Mark blushed

'what about jack?' Félix texted back. Jack noticed mark was too busy on his phone, this made jack a little jealous. 'Hes killing me. We almost kissed like three times! I wanna ask him out.' Mark texted blushing more

'Omg, you almost kissed!?' Félix texted back. Jack grabbed mark's free hand and gentle squeezed it, trying to get mark's attention. Mark blushed and looked at Jack. He smiled at him and squeezed his hand back. 'Yeah, when you decided to call me and ruined the moment. :('

'jee, I'm sorry man, anyways why can't you just ask him out?" Félix texted back. 'I'm too nervous and idk what to do! I need your help'

'ok, well do you know where you want take him for the date?' Félix texted. Jack huffed and leaned in and kissed mark's cheek. Mark blushed more and stared at Jack. He smiled and pecked Jack's forehead. 'I wanted to talk him out on a picnic. He seems to like the outdoors and omg he just kissed my cheekchrjcjf'

'jeez calm down, girly. XD anyways I could go to the park and watched you two to make sure everything goes well ' Félix texted. 'Yeah, okay. Thanks, man.' Mark smiled

'no problem, man. Have fun on your date ' Félix texted back. Mark put his phone away and looked at Jack.

Jack looked back at mark and smiled. Mark blushed a bit and smiled when he saw they were near the park. He pulled Jack towards the park.

Jack yelped and followed mark into the park. Mark pulled Jack to a little spot with flowers and grinned at Jack.

"what are you grinning about?" jack asked smiling. "Well, I was gonna ask you something..." Mark smiled

"ask me what?" jack curiously. "Um.. Okay... Wait a second.." Mark ran off. When he came back, he had some flowers in his hands that he had picked. "Okay... So... I wanted to ask y-you if you wanted to have a p-picnic tomorrow with m-me...? a-as a date.." Mark blushed and handed Jack the flowers

Jack blushed madly and gently took the flowers, boy was jack speechless his crush just asked HIM OUT! Jack stared at the flowers before he looked at mark. Mark smiled shyly at Jack.

Jack smiled back, "I would love to go on a date with you" he said softly. Mark smiled brightly and hugged Jack

Jack blushed and smiled more as he hugged back. Mark grinned and pulled away

Jack smiled brightly at mark and leaned in and kissed his forehead. Mark blushed and smiled. He pecked Jack's cheek

Jack blushed and giggled, "so are we meeting here tomorrow?" He asked curiously. Mark nodded, "Yeah"

"That's cool" Jack said smiling. But he blushed when a thought came to his mind, "so does this mean you like me as like more than a friend?" Jack asked softly. Mark blushed and nodded, "Y-Yeah"

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