Chapter 2

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I wanted to cry when he told me how many time I was in this coffin.

Two years. Two fucking years. How is it even possible ?

The man took my in his arms. I broke into tears. He stroke my back gently.

We still were in the graveyard. It was night. We could see the light of Gotham in front of us. The moon shone above us.

The man lifted me like I was a plume. I wrapped my tiny arms around his neck and stared at him. He looked down at me and smile with silver teeth.

'' I take you with me'' he said. '' Someone who go out of a grave is always interesting.''

I still stared at him as he walked toward an expensive puplre car. He must be rich.

He opened the car door of the passenger seat and put me down. He put my seat belt and closed the door.

My eyes followed each of his movements as he walked toward the driver seat. He put his one seat belt and started the car.

He looked at me. Our gaze met. He had beautiful eyes.

'' You'r Y/N,  isn't it? ''

My eyes widen. How does he know ?

''I read it on your stone grave '' he explained.

My stone grave. It's weird to hear. I shivered.

He extended his hand in front of me, smiling. '' Mister J, nice to meet you ''


Hi everyone :) 

What do you think about the beginning of this sequel ? 

Have a nice day :)

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