Chapter 15

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Robin faced me as Batman faced Mister J. I froze. Damian was right in front of me. I could take off my mask. I could tell him who I was and he could hug me. But reality came in my mine. I broke into Arkham Asylum. I was the partner of crime of the Joker. And Damian had a girlfriend. He forgot me long time ago.

I put my gun down. I had to escape but I couldn't hurt him. I just couldn't. He walked toward me,ready to punch me but I let my gun fall on the floor. He seemed surprise but still took my arm and handcuff me.

To the other side, Batman had more problem. The Joker fought against him, using his famous tricks.

Robin took my arm and dragged me toward the hole in the wall. My head hurt.

'' You don't try to escape ?'' he said still surprise by my behavior. I didn't say anything.

'' Why ? '' he asked again.

'' Why not ? '' I responded, looking in his beautiful green eyes. I missed him so much.

He frowned a little. He was about to say something when Mister J punched him in the face. He let me go, falling on the concret ground.

Joker wrapped his arm around my waist. '' Don't steal my girl, Robin. '' Then he threw something on the ground. Black smoke surronded us. My head hurt to much.

I black out .


HI everyone

Sorry it's a short chapter and it's late. I have some problems to deal with so maybe the next few chapters will be a bit late. Sorry Sorry

Hope you like it  and have a nice day 

Is it a joke ? (Damian Wayne x reader )Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant