Chapter 13

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I was shaking. Mister J put his hand on my shoulder. '' Take a deep breath. Everything will be okay. But don't forget that we will not have a lot of time before Batman comes. Okay ? ''

I nodded. We were waiting in a black van, for a signal from one man of Mister J's gang. The van was near of Arkham Asylum. It was the night.

I took a deep breath but it seemed be stuck in my throat when I saw the signal.

I followed Mister J, putting a mask on my face. People will only see my eyes. I was behind him, as we went out of the van and went toward the building. I heard an explosion and screamed.

I followed Mister J like a lost puppy. And maybe I was, because my heart was beating like  crazy. He led me to a door and we entered in the building.

A man of the gang was waiting us. He led us to an hallway. There were smoke and screamed, then gunshot.

'' She just behind this door '' the man said pointing a red door.

He opened it and went in, followed by Mister J. I stayed frozen before it. I took another deep breath before entering.

The room was small and white. There was only a bed. Sully was sat on it, in a orange uniform. She seemed scared.

I looked at the Joker as he put a gun under her chin. She was about to cry; She seemed pathetic.

'' Don't hurt me,please '' she begged.

'' We don't if you tell us what we want to hear, alright ? '' the Joker said.

She nodded.

'' Where is you father? '' he asked.

'' I don't know ''

He groaned annoyed. He pressed the gun harder on her skin. '' Where is he ? '' he hissed.

She stayed silent. I knew that we didn't have much time.

I armed my own gun toward her forehead. '' Tell us ! '' I said with force.

'' Why do you want to know ? ''

She was annoying me. Then I took off my mask and looked in her eyes.

'' I want revenge for my death '' I said


Hey guy :)

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I hope so ^^ Have a nice day 

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