Chapter 23

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I chuckled.

'' Correction ; You loved me ''

He looked at me hopeless. ''You can't stay with him. You saw what he can do. He killed Sully in front of you. He doesn't have a heart. He doesn't have feelings. How can you stay with him ?''

I took a step back.

'' When I woke up in my coffin, I thought I will really die. But Mister J saved me. He took me with him. He gave me clothes, food, a roof. I didn't know who he was at first. When I knew, it didn't make any difference. He still had help me. He still had been kind with me. ''

'' But ... ''

'' And he promised to help me. He promised that I'll get revenge. ''

'' You have to get over you hate for Dr Strange ... ''

'' Get over it ?!! How can you tell me that ? After all these things, how can you say that ? Sully bullied me during years. Dr Strange made experimentation on my body. He lied to me. He wanted to kill me. He wanted to kill you. I died to save you !'' I screamed.

'' Did the death of Sully relieve you ? '' he asked. '' Did it help you with your hate ? Did you feel better when you saw her blood on the wall ? ''

I was about to say  something but he cut me.

'' Don't tell me it did. Don't lie to me. Don't lie to yourself. Her death did nothing. I saw the camera of her cell. I saw your shock when the Joker shot her. You didn't want that. Don't let him change you in a monster. I know you'r not like that. ''

He took my face between his hands.

'' Y/N, you'r not like him. You'r not a criminal. ''

'' I ... ''

But I couldn't say something else. His lips crashed on mine.  


Hi everyone ^^

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It's almost the end of the story so be ready for some action :)

Have a nice day ^^

Is it a joke ? (Damian Wayne x reader )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon