Chapter 14

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She looked at me, shocked.

'' Surprise ! '' I said sarcasticly. '' Now tell us ! ''

She shook her head. '' It's impossible. They burried you two years ago ''

'' But I'm alive right now and I want to know where is your father ? ''

She became like a crazy girl. '' He shot you! He shot you! You can't be here. ''

'' Yeah, we know '' Joker said '' now can you come back to our business. Your father . ''

'' I don't know where he is'' she answered.

'' Maybe you have an idea about where he could be ? '' I asked.

''I'll not tell you ''

I pressed my gun against her temple. '' And now ? ''

'' You can't shot me. You don't have the guts ''

'' Maybe she doesn't, but I have the guts to shot your head right now '' Joker responded.

''Okay, okay '' she paniced.

Then we heard an explosion. Batman was here. We ran out of time.

''Tell us NOW !''

'' He he could be in the the old building near near of the cathedral, or maybe, maybe in a abondonned place of the subway. I-I-I don't know anything else. ''

'' thanks for your contribution. ''he said.

She seemed relief but ...


He shot her without blinking. I looked at her dead body falling on the bed. Blood was dripping on the white wall.

'' Why did you do that ? ''I asked shocked.

'' She will not be usefull anymore, is she ? '' he responded casually. '' We have to go now,doll. ''

I nodded and wore my mask. We left the room. Joker was already at the other side of the hallway when the wall explosed. I protected my face with my hand as pieces of it fell. My head hurt because of the sound of the explosion.

There was a big hole in the wall. Batman and Robin entered in the hallway, blocking my way.


Hi everyone :)

I want to say thank you to all your nice comments. It mean a lot to me ^^ Thank you thank you thank you :)

Have a nice day ^^

Is it a joke ? (Damian Wayne x reader )Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt