Chapter 6

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Remind you that Y/N doesn't know who really is MIster J 


I stayed silent.

'' Come on ! Why did you cry ? Is it a big secret ? '' he asked a little annoyed.

I looked down.

''Do you know how I die ?'' I asked suddenly.

He nodded. '' I made some research about you. You was shot right in the heart. Only few people came to your funeral. ''

'' Who ? ''

My heart beat quickly, waiting for his answer.

'' A boy from your old college. And the Wayne family. '' he responded.

The boy must be Arthur. I was quite happy to know they were at my funeral.

'' Why your family didn't come ? ''

'' I don't have a family. The only person I considered like my father, shot me. ''

I sighted. I took a deep breath.

'' People took my life away. Now the only persons I like have move on. I have nothing left.''

He stood up and took me in his arms. '' I'm here to help you. ''

I broke the hug. '' Thanks''

Then I went straight in my room. How could he help me ?

I wanted revenge. I wanted to take revenge of Dr Strange and his daughter.

Mister J wanted to help me but maybe was he a good two shoes.  


Hi everyone :)

Sorry for the short chapter. Next will be better. I promise.

Have a nice day :)

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