Chapter 1

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1 year earlier....

"Chase baby gurry up your going to miss your flight"

I yelled to him as I brought his bag downstairs...He was still in the shower..We were suppose to be at the airport 20 minutes ago, but CJ kept us both up last night and we slept in late this morning by accident..I took his bag out to the car and then ran back in and grabbed CJ out his high chair...

"You know this is all your doing dont you"

I said bouncing him on my hip and running my hand over his head..He smacked me in my mouth with his drool covered hand and started laughing...I shook my head at him and carried him outside to the car and starpped him into his seat..I pulled out my cell and called the house phone..

"Why are you calling from the outside crazy"

He said like he was laughing and rushing at the same time

"I was about to tell you to hurry up, what are you doing"

"Putting on my shirt, give me like 5 minutes and I will be down, so just start the car and wait for me"

"Alright, but you know if you miss your plane your mother is going to kill you right"

He laughed

"Yeah I know, but im not gonna miss it"

"Alright ill be waiting"

I hung up the phone and got into the passenger side of the car and waited on him, almost exactly 5 minutes later he came outside and got in and we headed to the airport..Chase was catching a plane down to see hsi mom, she jsut had a heart bypass surgery and he's going to make sure that she is ok..I would go, but I have to work, so I obviously cant..It took us about 30 minutes to get there with the way Chase was driving. We got there just in time because they were calling for his plant to board as soon as we walked in..Me and CJ walked with him to the gate...


"Alright baby thats me"

He said tightening the strap on his shoulder..

"Call me when you get there, give your mother my love"

"I will"


"Give me some love before I go mama"

I hugged him and gave him a quick kiss..

"Later mini me, you be good for mommy while daddy is gone ok"

He said to CJ who i was holding in my arms..He just laughed..Chase kissed his cheek..

"Love you lil man, and I love you too mama"

He kissed me again and hten turned and walked and boarded on to his flight..Little did I know that would be the last time me and CJ ever saw him...

Later That Night...

I was just putting CJ down for the night, when the phone rang and it woke him back up..I cursed who ever it was and lifted him up again and placed him on my shoulder and patted his back as I made my way to the pho ne...


"Beyonce its me, did Chase miss his plane"

"Naw Mama, I seen him off this afternoon, he hasnt gotten there yet"

I didnt think of it when he didnt call, since I know he hadnt seen his mom and his family in a while, I just thought he got caught up and he would call me sometime later tonight...

"No he hasnt, I've called his cell phone and I didnt even get a ring"

"Thats strange..Um im gonna call the airport see i fmaybe they had a delay or something, thats probably what it is, and he cant get reception thats why he didnt call, dont worry, ill find him"

"Alright sweetheart thank you"

"No problem"

"Call me when you get him"

"I will, by Mama"

"Bye sweety"

I hung up with he rand called his cell to see if I could get him to pick up but he didnt...Then I called the airline..

"United Airways how can I help you"

"Um yeah, im calling to see if a flight to Pheonix was cancelled or delayed for any reason"

The woman got silent and it kind of made me feel uneasy

"Ma'am are you there"

"Yes..yes im here..sorry..I take it that you were not contacted about the flight to Pheonix"

"Contacted about what..what happened"

"Ma'am im sorry to tell you this, but the plane went down about 30 minutes after lift off, the airline has been contacting family members to let them know, I guess they havnet gotten to you yet..Im so sorry"

At that moment I coudnt breathe..those words replayed in my mind about a million times, before I dropped the phone..

1 year later...

That night was the hardest night of my life and it only got worse, they never found Chases body, so we had nothing to bury when his funeral came around, his mother took it so hard, she had a relapse and passed away 2 weeks after that..It was extrememly hard on me losing Chase, but it was harder on his family loosing both him and his mother within a couple months time..Its been a year since and slowly but surely i've dealth with it and somewhat moved on with my life, I know that chase would want me and CJ to be happy, even if he is not with us, because he is watching over us, but sometimes I cant helpt ubt think that he is still out there some where, but I know thats not possible, because he is gone and he is never coming back...


And yes Shawn is the good guy in the story S.C.I.S (lol)

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