Chapter 19

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When I finally got to the hospital and walked in to Beyonce's room, its like somebody had taken a knife and just rammed it right through my chest..Bee was laying in the bed with CJ on one side and Chase on the other..She wasnt woke neither was CJ but Chase was..He had on hand on her stomach and the other running across the top of her head..from where I was standing they looked like an almost perfect family...the mother..the child and the father..and me standing there without a place in that perfect picture...I shook off my feelings and tried to put that aside for the moment to focus on whats most important right now..and thats Bee and her health..I cleared my throat as I entered and Chase looked up at me..

"What are you doing here"

He said sitting up a little bit..but making sure not to disturb CJ or Beyonce...

"I came to talk to Beyonce..I found a heart for her.."


He said getting up off the bed..

"It doenst matter how"

I said walking over to the other side of her that CJ was on

"It only matters that I did and it should be here in a couple of days..and then..we can forget all about this..and be togther."

I said bending down and kissing her head..I put my lips up to her ear..

"You here that baby..i kept my promise..i got you a heart..your going to be fine"

I said whispering into her before kissing her cheek..

"Thats great you found her a heart..better then great..but she's not going to be with you...she's going to be with me"

I sighed and took a deep breath..I wasnt about to get into it with this dude especially not here not now..right now I could care less about him anyway...

"Look whatever..ok..once Bee has the transplant..and she's healthy she can decide..but right now...all I care about is her getting better..and until that heart gets here im going to be right by her side day and you should get use to seeing my face"

"Well I can say the same thing for you, cause im not going anywhere either...I love bee too, we didnt get eachother back, all for me to loose her again..."

We both just stared one another down..I wasnt backing down from him and he wasnt backing down from me..I think its safe to say you could cut the tension in the room with a knife nothing else was said until the doctor came back into the room..

"I need to run a few more test on Ms. Knowles can you gentlemen please excuse me"

I couldnt tell the doctor about Beyonc'es heart just yet, I know he wouldnt accept one if it was bought, no matter if it could save her life or not, I just nodded and went to walk out the room..Chase grabbed CJ and he follwed behind me..


He said lifting his head up off Chase's shoulder and reaching for me..I walked over to Chase..and went to grabbed him but he was a little reluctant about giving him to me..CJ reached out further and he finally gave in and let me have him...

"Hey big man how you been"

I said walking to a seat with him..

"Mommy sick"

He said with the saddest fast...

"I know lil man, but she's gonna get better I promise"


"Yep and I have never broken a promise to you have I?"

He shook his head no and I smiled and kissed his cheek..

"Im hungry"

He said looking up at me..I got up and walked over to Chase..who was standing by Beyonce's door, looking off into no where..

"He says he's hungry, im going to take him down to the cafeteria to get him something to eat"

"Naw, he's my son, ill take him"

He said reaching for him and taking him away from me..

"Shawn, come too"

Chase looked at me and I knew he didnt want me any where near CJ right now, maybe he felt threatened or something like that, and I guess I could understand, and right now is not the time or place for either one of us to be trying to flex our egos so I just let it go..

"Naw I cant come little man, I got a call to make but ill be here when you get back ok"

I said nudging his chin..


He said before laying his head on Chase's shoulder as they walked off down the hall..The doctor was still in with bee so I decided to take this as my chance to call into the office and put some things on hold, because theres' no way that im going into work until Beyonce is 100% better..Before I could even pull my cellphone out to start making calls I spotted Tyra coming down the hall..she looked a little off..her eyes were puffy and red and she had something poking out of her shirt but I couldnt exactly tell what it was..once she apprached me..I knew there was something wrong with her...

"Where's the doctor"

She said sounding not she was in some hazed like trance..

"He's in doing some test on Bee, he should be out in a minute..ay I have some good..."

Before I could finish my sentece she walked around me and opened the door to Beyonce room and stepped in...

"You said all she needed was a heart and she would be fine right"

The doctor looked up at her..

"Ma'am, you cant be in here right now"

"Just answer the damn question"

"Yes, atleast thats what we hope"

"Well if she had one, she would have a much better chance at living right.."


"Then I know where she can get one"


"From me"

She said before pulling a gun out of her shirt and putting it up to her temples

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