Chapter 16

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Everybody and they momma was in my house right now...and Chase was enjoying ever last bit of it, i dont think I've seen this many black people in one spot, without it have been somebodys funeral or some type of family reunion people were everywhere..I didnt show up and meet Shawn, which you probably already guessed..So right about now im guessing he is through with me..and I dont blame him..I decided tommorrow I was going to tell Chase about everything and start taking this thing seriously..but right now im going to let him enjoy his night...

"Bee you been quiet all evening you ok"

He asked me coming up to me and kissing me..

"Yeah im fine, you having fun"

"Im having a blast, everybody is crazier then I remember though"

I gave a little chuckle

"I cant wait for this night to wind down know why"

He said hugging me from behind..


I said turning my head to look up at him..

"Because then we can get back to us.."

He said before kissing me neck..

"Awwww look at this yall..arent they so cute together"

One of his friends said coming up to us, they all looked at us and awwwed..He hugged me tighter..There was a knock on the door that I was grateful for, all them eyes on me, was making me feel uncomfortable..

"Im going to get that, you get back to your party"

I said before walking away from him to go get the door..When I opened it Shawn was standing there...

"Shawn..what..what are you doing here"

He looked around me and then looked back at me...

"Thats why you didnt show up, thats what was so important..a fucking party"

I looked back and closed the door behind me and stepped out onto the porch with him..

"I thought you said you were done with me if I didnt show up"

He shook his head

"Do you really think I was going to give up that easy, I thought if I gave you an ultimatum, you would see how serious this is and come down there..but I guess that didnt work"

" did..i plan on telling Chase and my sister everything and im going to take this serious because I know it is, i just want him to have this night thats all"

I said walking to the window and looking in at him and Tyra dancing and laughing

I turned around and looked at Shawn his eyes were glazed over and he was looking out into the street..I walked over to him..

"Whats wrong , why are you crying"

"I seen the way you look at scares me.and I dont want to loose you Bee"

He said as tears started seeping down his face..I walked over to him and wipe them away..I honestly didnt know what to say to him, because I didnt know who i wanted to be with, so I didnt know if I could say if he would or wouldnt..So I just hugged..He pulled away from me and kissed me..

"Bee where did you..."

Me and Shawn both pulled away and looked at the door Chase was standing there..He closed the door and stepped out onto the porch..I moved back away from Shawn..

"Whats going on"

"Chase..this is Shawn..Shawn.this is Chase"

They just looked at one another..

"Everybody is looking for you"

He said sticking his hand out to me..I looked at it and then back at Shawn..

" need to tell him"

"Tell me what"

"Shawn not now okay, please"

"No bee cause I know if I let you go back in that house you are not going to tell him like you promised something else is going to come up and then your going to put it tell him"

"Would somebody please tell me what the hell is going on"

"Chase its nothing, im coming back in...Shawn we will talk later"

"No we tell him now or I will"

I looked at him and then back at Chase both of them were staring me down like they were waiting for something...Its crazy because all of a sudden my chest tightened up...and I grabbed it..the last thing I remember is Chase and Shawn both calling my name before everything went black

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