Chapter 4

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Thursday Evening

I had just come from dropping CJ off and I was about to get dressed..I took a shower and dried off and dried my hair, I curled it up and let it fall in loose curls off my shoulders..I rubbed on some baby lotion and then put on my dress and my heels..When I looked at the clock it was 15 minutes till the time Shawn was gonan pick me up..I did a once over in the mirror to make sure I looked alright..everything was just right, hair, make up, my clothes..I grabbed my cell put it in my purse and then went downstairs and waited for Shawn to promptly 7:30 he was knocking on my door..I wasnt surprised though, he was a lawyer they have to be on time, I got up and opened the door, he was standing there in a pair of crisp jeans and a read and white button up, a change from his office attire but still sexy non the less...

"You look beautiful"

He said handing me a white rose that he brought

"Thank you"

I said taking the rose and setting it on the table by the door...

"You look good aswell"

He gave me a nod as to say thank you and then stuck his hand out

"We should get going, our reservatin is for 8"


I closed my door and locked it, and he took my hand and led me down to his car..He opened the door for me and I got in letting the Luther Vandross song that was playing serenade my eardrums as he walked and got in..once he was in we left and headed to Capers..Once we got to the resturant the whole place was empty

"You sure they're open, nobodys here"

"I know, i had it set up that way, I like my privacy, I wanted us to be able to have dinner and talk, just get to know one another without any interruptions or distractions"

I nodded..I was impressed to say the least..There was this table set up in the middle of the resturant he guided me to it and pulled out my chair and pushed it back in once I sat down adn then took his seat, then this waiter appeared from the back and came to us bringing two menus with him...

"Hello my name is Shamar I will be waiting on you are your menus..would you olike to start off with your drinks"

"Sure I want a Merlot"

Shawn said

"And you ma'am"

"Ill have the same thing"

"Alright, ill be back to bring your drinks and take your order"

We both nodded and thanked him, he walked away

"Were you surprised I asked you out"

He asked me while lookin up from his menu

"Actually I was, still curious as to why you did though"

"Well besides the fact that your beautiful, you have this I dont know this aura or presence about you, that just draws people to you, I was curious to see what that was"

The waiter came back with our drinks and then took our orders and left us once again

"Well tell me someting about you, I know everything as far as your work like since I basically run it ( I said while laughing a little) but tell me about Shawn outside the office"

"Hmm well lets see, dont have any kids, im from a small family, a mother, a brother and me, I went to hardvard..what else"

"What do you do for fun, is what I meant"

"Oh, well im just your typical male, i love sports, im really a big kid though, I ove going to amusement parks and things like that, I take my nephews all the time, when im not doing that or working, im usually in the house chilin watching a good movie, im pretty boring to be honest"

"I wouldnt say borning, just relaxed, dont worry im the same way though, when im not with my son or at work, im chilln and relaxing, but enjoy going out and having fun every now and then"

H nodded and took a sip of his drink..He looked around and then back at me with a big smile..


"Dance with me"

"Ha, right your funny, dance with you to what, there is no music"

He stood up and walked awy from the table i nto this room and when he came back there was music coming from somewhere, he walked back over to me and stuck his hand out and helped me up..he pulled me farther away from the table and pulled me into him letting his hands rest on my waist..I put my arms around his neck.and we slow danced, it was nice...

"So tell me about your son"

"Well his name is Chase Jr..I call him CJ though, he's 1 y ears old, he's the center of my world, really"

"Must be some world, he's a lucky little guy, maybe one day Ill get to meet him"

I smiled at him


He pulled me in tighter to him, i rested my head on his chest as his hand ran up my back..We stayed liek that, swaying from side to side not saying anything just smiling like 2 idiots, until the waiter finally came out with our food, after that we ate and talked a little more, I told him some things about me...We ordered dessert adn danced one more time before we left..By the time I got home and he walked me to the door it was almost 12:30..

"I had a great time tonight"

I said getting to my door and turning to him

"I did too, hopefully we get to do it again somtime soon"

"Yeah, I'd like that, next time though, we could go to Kings Dominion or something like that, since u like parks"

"Sounds good...Well I should get going, gotta be in early tommorrow"

I just stood there, Since I hadnt been on a date in like literally forever I didfnt know what to I smiled..He slid his hands in his pocket and went to lean in..I thought he was gonna hit my lips but he kissed my cheek..which was just fine with me and somewhat of a relieft..

"Ill see you tommoorrrow"

"Drive safe"

He smiled and nodded , I watched him walk to his car and get in then I went into the house and locked the door..I wasnt picking CJ up till the morning but I just had to call my sister, after I got undressed and slid into my jammies, I got relaxed and called her


"Oh my god he is sooo great"

I said squealing like a little girl with a one million dollar watt smile on her face...

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