Chapter 18

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I came right to my office to get my computer...I had to check and see if I had any hits on a heart for Beyonce..I talked to her doctor before I left, he said she only had a couple of days tops to get a heart and get it transplanted or it was going to be too late and I cant let that happen..I cant fight for us..if I have no one to fight for in the first place...I was scrolling through the replys I had gotten so far, most of them were from people asking for crazy amounts of money for hearts that didnt even match..I had it set up for them to tell me the donors age, medical history and info, and what kind of condition the heart was in, and of course the death of the person and the asking price..I kept looking through and was getting nothing..till the box popped up that said new I clicked on it...When I opened up my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest..It was the perfect match for bee..I scrolled down and looked for the phone number of the person..soon as I found it I called the number...

"I found it bee, i found you a just gotta hold on"

I said outloud as I waited for someone to pick up the phone on the other end..

Back At the Hospital...

When I woke body felt like I had a ton of bricks weighing down on it..It was so hard for me to breath..or to even move for that matter..It took alot of energy for me to turn my head to the side..When I did..Chase was sitting in the chair with CJ on his lap..he was holding on to my hand but his head was back on the chair and his eyes were closed..CJ was wide away though..

"Hey buddy"

I said in a tone not too much above a whisper..its like the wind got knocked out of my just putting those two words together..CJ looked at me..


He almost yelled trying to slide of Chase's lap, Im guessing Chase wasnt sleep because his head immediately popped up and he opened his eyes..

"Bee baby your awake"

He said picking CJ up and standing up..

"How do you feel...does anything hurt"

I took a deep breath..


I said in that same low tone...

"Ill go get the doctor..see if he can give you soemthing for the pain"

He went to turn but I grabbed his hand a little tighter or atleast the best I could..


I said somewhat out of breath


He looked at me and I could see he was seconds away from busting out into tears..He turned back and grabbed my hand tighter in his and kissed me on my head...

"Im never going to leave you bee..never"

I could feel this warm tears coming down my face...but they werent mind they were his..Cj reached down for me..Chase sat him down on the other side of me and he laid his little body in my side..Chase sat back down holding that one hand in both of his now..I cant even tell you how scared I was right now..I didnt even need no doctor to tell me what was happening to me..I could feel it..You know dont how it feels to know your dying, its one thing for it to just happen but to know exactly when it might happen is just something so givesyou this bone chilling feeling..I could barely move..barely talk and it was only going to get worse..I couldnt even cry right now...because I knew it would probably only add to the pain that was going through my body right now..All I could think was that, if I had done something earlier I might have been able to avoid its too late..

Back at Shawns office...

I was finishing up my call about Bee's turns out its in Japan of all places..but I convinced her to contact the hospital closet to her and tell them whats going on, if they could get the heart on a plane into the states..I would cover all the expenses and everything for it..I didnt care what I had to pay or where the hell it came from as long as Beyonce got her second long as we got a second chance..

"So how long, should it take"

I asked getting up from my desk...

"Approximately 2 days"

"2 days..isnt there a way you can get it here any fast..she might not have 2 days"

"Im sorry sir thats the fastest time.."

"Alright, alright just make sure you get it on a plane immediately"

"I will as soon as I hang up with you....but how will I get my money"

"Once the heart gets here and everything checks out..ill wire it too you"

"Ok..ill get right on it then"

"Good, thank you so much.."

I hung up with the woman..closed my laptop and grabbed my keys and left my office as quickly as I could, I had to get to be and tell her she is going to be alright, that she's gonna get a heart..alls he has do is hold on a little longer..

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