Chapter 21

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When Chase and Tyra got back I told them about the heart and Beyonce being taken down to surgery to be prepped..Its been about 5 hours since then, the heart got here and they started the surgery immediately, me, Chase and Tyra have been sittin in Beyonce's room impatiently waiting..none of us has really said a word..I think we are all just hoping and that praying that the surgery is successful and that Beyonce is ok..

"I cant just sit here and do nothing man, im going to drive myself crazy"

Chase said gettin up off the edge of the bed..

"Im going to go call and check on CJ"

He left the room leaving me and Tyra sitting there..She was over by the window just looking out..I got up and walked over to her and put my hand on her shoulder..

"You alright over here"

She looked at me and smiled and then turned her attention back to the window

"I was just thinkin about this time, when me and Beyonce were little..she was like 7, I was 12, we were coming home from school, and this boy came up to us and started messing with us..I was never the confrontational type, so me I just tried to go around him but he pushed me down, Beyonce stepped right up and punched him in the stomach, told him if he messed with me again she would kick his butt..he ran off crying..its weird..even though she was younger then me, she was always doing things like that, standing up for me and trying to protect me..when it was my job to protect her...and i admire that so much about her...thats just the type of person she is..and to think..that I could loose her..and she would never know how much I love her and how much i look up to her..its makes my heart hurt Shawn..."

She turned and looked at me

"I dont want to loose her..her and CJ are all I got..I cant have a family of my own, so her and CJ were really my only chance at that...i cant loose that..(She said as tears started to come down her face) I know I sound selfish..but I cant..I dont know what i would do"

I pulled her into a hug, she put her head on my shoulder and cried into it..

"You wont have to worry about that Tyra, because she's going to make it, she didnt hold on this long only to give up, when she's so close to getting dont even think like that..we should be thinkin about what we are going to do with her once we get her out of here..and how we are going to get on her nerves smothering her..telling her how much we love her"

I said letting out a slight chuckle..she did as well and pulled away from me..and looked up at me..

"You know..I gotta be honest with you, the morninf of the party..I told Bee that her place was with Chase and CJ, because thats her family and they love everything you've done for her..I think I might have been wrong.."

I let her go and slid my hands in my pocket..This whole ordeal with Beyonce had me doing alot of thinking about life and how short it is..and it made me come to a very i mportant that I didnt then I would even be considering this early on..but I am..

"While we are on the subject..I need to ask you something"


"Well, even though I dont know who Beyonce wants to be with, or who she's going to pick after she gets better..but I have been doing some thinking and.."

She cut me off

"Wait..your not giving up on you guys are you"

I gave a small chuckle and shook my head no

"No..its actually the exact opposite..I was going to say..I had been doing some thinking..and almost loosing Beyonce..has made me really see that..I dont want to be without her in my if she were to choose me..I was going to ask you for your blessing in asking her to marry me..I mean, I know this is something you would ask a father..but your one of the most important people in her life..and if I had your blessing, I know it would mean a great deal to know thats if she picks me"

She looked at me..she didnt give off a reaction...but then she smiled, which made me feel alot better bacause I was starting to feel uneasy..

"Shawn..if she does pick have more then my blessing to ask my sister to marry you"

I smiled and nodded


"Theres no thanks neccessary, I know you make her happy and thats all that I want for her"

I nodded again she rubbed my arm just as Chase came walking into the room..

"I just saw the doctor coming down the hall, I think Bee is out of surgery"

Me and Tyra both looked at one another and then went walking for the door and follwed Chase out...We met the doctor in the hall way..he approached us..once he got to us he smiled at us..Iknew what that meant..But I needed to hear the words fore sure..

" did it go.."

"Well we are going to have to watch her for a couple days to make sure the her body is taking to the heart..but it looks as if the transplant was very successful"

All three of us got these huge smiles on our faces..I put my arm arouund Tyras shoulder and squeezed it..

"I told you..she was going to be fine"

"Can we see her"

Chase asked

"She's still unconcious, but we are going to bring her down to recovery, and you cant see her then"

He excused himself to go get Beyonce, Chase left to go get CJ, and me and Tyra waited in Bee's room, we didnt say anything just sat there with huge grins on our faces..I might be settin my self up for a dissapointment..but I had already started day dreaming about marrying her..and us having a family and a life together..

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