Chapter 12

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I had been waiting in this room for about 5 minutes and it felt like forever when I got here the nurse told me they had taking Chase out for a second but he would be back soon, I still coudlnt wrap my head around the fact that he was still alive..I didnt even know what I was going to say to him when i saw him..or how i was gonna feel..hell i didnt even know if he was gonna recognize me..They said he remembered my name..but who knows if he remembers my face..I guess I was bout to find out because the door was opening..I stood up and when it finally was wide open and he was standing there..I couldnt believe it..I couldnt even move..

" really you..your really here"

He smiled at me and the nurse helped him over to me..As soon as he got close enough I hugged him as tight as I could..

"I missed you so much"

I said not wanting to let him go

"I knew you would come for me"

I heard him say, he hugged me back and we stood like that for about 15 minutes atleast not saying anything, him just holding me and me taking in his scent and my brain just being flooded with memories of us and CJ..I finanly managed to pull myself away from him and look at his face..I reached up and caressed his face..

"I just cant believe it..your really here"

He smiled and took my hand and led me over to the bed..I sat down and he sat next to me, He was still holding my hand and I really didnt mind because I didnt want him to let it go..

"I dont even know what to say right now..its seems so surreal"

"I know, you dont know how long i've been waiting for this moment, for you to find me..."

"How did you remember me and nothing else"

I said turning to him

"I guess I just love you that much"

I smiled at him, I felt like I was going to start crying all over again..

"Can you tell me a little bit about me, I mean I remember you, but thats about it, nothing really about us, or my life or anything"

"Well we have a son..his name is Chase Jr..we call him CJ though"

"Do you have a picture"

I reached into my purse for a recent picture of CJ, I brought it because I had a feeling he would want to see it..I took it out and showed him to it..

"Wow..he looks just like me"

"Yeah he does, he's growing up so fast"

"Does he know me..or about me"

"Of course, I talk to him about you all the time and im alway showing you his picture, he knows who yu are, I always made sure of that"

He looked at me and reached up and caressed my cheek..He smiled and I saw tears coming down his face..I couldnt imagine what it felt liek to not know who you are, or not to remember your family..I just stared back at him, looking into his eyes its like all my feelings I had for him since the day I met him came rushing back..its not like they ever went away but its like they had new life now..I leaned in and kissed him and it was just like before only times better, you could feel all the missed love that was behind it..I'ave always prayed for a second chance with CHase adn now that I have it and now that he's here..Im going to help him though this the whole time, im going to be by his side and im never gonna let him go..It wasnt utnil that moment I remembered I was now with Shawn..I quickly pulled back adn looked at him..he just smiled and pulled me into a hug..I rested my chin on his shoulder..I had no clue what this meant..I mean I have strong feelings for Shawn, and I cant just cut those off, but I love Chase, I always have and I always will..I tried to push all that out of my mind and jsut be happy for this miracle that he as alive..and whatever happens in the future happens..all i care about is that right now is me being here with him..

Back in Dayton

2 Days Later

It took 2 days for them to release Chase from the hospital..and once they did we were on the first flight back to Dayton they said since he was going to be around familiar settings that he should get his memory back in a short time, he would ahve probalby been had it back by now but since he wasnt around anything that would jog his memory he hasnt..As soon as we walked in the hosue Tyra and CJ who were sitting on the couch immediately got up..Chase walked in and looked arond adn then at Tyra.

"Chase this is my sister Tyra"


She smiled at him and walked over to him and pulled him into a hug

"Glad to have you back"

He nodded and said thank you..Then he looked down at Chase who was by Tyra's leg..He looked up at me.

"He's alot bigger then he looks in the picture"

He said with this huge smile on his face

"I told you"

He bent down to CJ and picked him up..


He said pointing at Chases face..Chase smiled and I could see the tears welling up in his eyes as he held him

"I told you, he knew who you were"

"Oh, bee, Shawn called he sadi he needs to talk to you as soon as you get in its important"


"Im going to get going and let you guys rest..but we should have some type of welcome home party sometime this week, everybody can see him"

"You think you can handle that"

I said looking at him


He said smiling


She gave CJ a kiss on the cheek, hugged Chase once again adn then came and hugged me, then left, know I had to call Shawn sooner or later, but I opted for later, Ill do it once I have Chase settled in and everything becauseI know we have alot to talk about..

"Are you hungry or tired or anyting like that"

"I could go fro something to eat"

Just as he said that CJ yawned

"Well let me put him to bed and ill put something together, or order out"

"You mind if I put him down, I would really like too"

"Sure go ahead, while you do that, Ill order some take out, his room is the first door on the right, jammies are in teh bottom drawer by his bed"


He walked off upstairs with CJ in his arms, you dont know what it did to my heart to see that sight again..While he put CJ down, I ordered from the chinease joint down the street, and got him his favorite, or what use to be hsi favorite, about 15 minutes later he came back down the stairs and I was sitting on the couch waiting on the food he came and sat next to me..

"Its like I been waiting forever, to get here..and now that I am, I dont know what to do"

He said with a slight chuckle

"Well why dont we just take it a step at a time, I ordered your favorite, we can eat, and just relax, and we will start fresh tommorrow, you can call your fam and things like that"

"Ok, I can do that, but where am i going to sleep"

"Hmmm tahts a good question..the guest room isnt exactly set up for a guest so you can sleep in the bedroom, and ill sleep on the couch, tommorrow ill set the room up for you"

"I dont wann put you on the couch, I can sleep down here"

"No, you've been couped up in a hospital bed for what a year, you probably could use a nice good comfy bed"

"Well we can share if you dont mind, because I really dont wanna put you out"

"I guess that will be alright"

As soon as I said that the doorbell rang, I knew it was the food...When I got up and opened the door it was, I got it and paid for it, me and Chase at and talked for a little bit, He got sleeping so I showed him where all his clothes were, I never got rid of any of them, he took a shower and went down for the night, I wasnt tired yet, so I sat downstairs, thinking about me and him, and me and Shawn, and my condition, just everything...

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