Chapter 5

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When I came in this morning, on time might I add, there was another white rose on my desk, I knew it was from Shawn, i smiled and picked it up and put it in the little vase on my desk....I went into this office and thankd him, he even asked me out again, next week he wants to go to Kings Dominon like I suggested, he even wants me to bring CJ, which is fine with me..most of the day just glided by, everytime he would walk by he would smile and I would blush and smile back, its crazy how I felt like a little teenage girl, and I really handt felt this way around anybody but Chase and that was when I was a teenager...

"Hey Beyonce, whens your lunch"

Shai asked me, she was the receptionist for Mrs.Lee one of the other Lawyers here..

"In about 20 minutes"

"Mine too, wanna have lunch with me, I so need to get out of this place"

"Alright, meet me back up here, then we can go"

"Alright girl, let me get back down here before this witch notices im not there and haves a freakin coniption"

I laughed as she walked away, but she wasnt joking, Mrs.Lee was a hard ass, she wanted her work done way before the time she gives you a deadline, so if its on the 23rd she wants that by the 13th if not earlier, I worked for her for about a week and I was too ready to whoop off up in here behind so I got transferred to Shawn, thank god...When my lunch came up, I knew Shai was on her way so I went to let Shawn know I was leaving..When I knocked on his door, he told me to come in, he was lookin out the window...

"I just wanted to let you kow Im going to lunch, ill be back in about an hour if not before that"

"Take your time, things are slow today, If I need you Ill call you"

'Ok, thanks"

"No problem"

He smiled at me, I got all giddy inside and shook my head and smiled back and turned to leave, I met Shai at the elevator, we went down to Hova's to grab lunch..

"Yo have you been watching the news lately"

"Naw that mess is way to depressing for me, why"

"Cuase I was watching this morning, and some airline, that had a plane accidnt not to long ago, told everybody taht nobody survived, contacted family and everything, turns out there were a couple of people who did survive, but they dont remember who they are or where they came from, or anything about their family, so their in this hospital outside of Arizona, waitong to be claimed, its crazy somebody out there thinking their loved one is dead and they could be laying up in that hospital"

"Yeah that is crazy, sad too, losing somebody is hard enough believe me, but having them out there some where and not knowing, thats alot worse, who ever it is, hopefully they get their memories back so they can be back with their families, you dont get second chances like that everyday, cant tell you how many times, i wish and prayed for a second chance with Chase"

She nodded and took a bite of her sandwich..I honestly did use to wish that something like that happened to Chase, since they never found his body, that maybe he was somewhere and just couldn't remember who he was, but after a year, I know thats not gonna happen, he's not coming back, I may not ever get over that, but I am moving on and I think he would be happy about that...

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