Chapter 20

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Me and the doctor just stood there staring at Tyra , you could tell she was scared out of her mind and she hadnt completely thoughten this thing through..Her hand was on the trigger of the gun but it was shaking beyond her control...

"She can have mine..and then she will be fine"

She said slowling walking over to Beyonce, but keeping the gun rested up agaisnt her temple

"Tyra what are you doing...looks listen to me"

I said slowly walking over to her with my hands out..

"This is not the way to do it okay..I found Beyonce a should be here in a few days okay"

"She doesnt have a few days..she needs one now"

"But listen to me...if you do this...what happens if you dont match..she could still die..and then where would that leave..CJ..he would have lost his mother..and his aunt..and you know incase something does happen..Bee wants and needs you to be there for please...just think about this..okay..just thinks for a minute"

I said trying to reason with her...

"I am thinking Shawn...I thinking I dont want my sister to die..I cant loose her...she is all I have..after our parents was just me and her...I need her Shawn.."

She said as tears starting running down her face...I could see her finger loosing up on the I started edging closer to her...

"I know you do...and I need her too..but right now what she needs if for us to be strong for please..just hand me the gun.."

I said sticking my hand out..


She started crying harder..and turned her head to look at me..

"I dont want her to die...Please dont let her die"

She said before slowly dropping the gun, I immediately grabbed it and took it away from her and handed it to the doctor before pulling her into a hug..

"I know, I know, she's gonna be just gotta hang in there with her I promise, she's going to be fine"

I said to her as she cried into my chest and the doctor left the room to dispose of the gun..I knew he wasnt going to call the cops or security or anything like that, if he has a heart, he could see the pain that she was in and she didnt want to hurt anybody she just wanted for Beyonce to be okay like the rest of us...

"Whats going on in here"

Chase asked walking back into the room with CJ..I let Tyra go and turned to him..

"Its a long story..look im going to take her outside to get some air, will you come get us if something happens.."

He just looked at us..but didnt say anything..


I think right at the point he realized right now, we needed to be on the same side , if any of us was going to get through this without loosing our minds in the process, we had to all be there for one another...

"Yeah, ill come get you guys"

I nodded and I guided Tyra out the door and to the exit, so she could calm down and I could tell her about the heart hoping it would make her feel a little more at ease

The Next Day...

I've been sitting with Bee for about 4 hours now, Chase took CJ and Tyra, home to get a few of her things that she might need and to get something to eat for all of us..That cafeteria food could only last so long..I had talked to the woman I bought the heart from about 3 times already, she called to let me know that everything was right on shedule and it should be here within the next 36 hours, there really hasnt been a change in Bee, which normally would be a bad thing, but in this case its actually could because it means she's holding on and fighting...I was sitting next to her with one of her hands in mine, running my finger up and down cell phone rung..I gently let her hand go and answered it..


"Yes is this Shawn Carter"

"Yes this is him, who's this"

"My name is Carrie Austin, the heart you were waiting for just arrived, I just wanted to let you know, we were on our way to the hospital as we speak"

I immediately jumped up..

"Oh my god thank you..Ill make sure the to tell the doctors.."

I hung up the phone without saying goodbye I was just so excited it was finally here..I looked at Bee and bent down and kissed her lips..

"Its time baby, your about to get your heart.."

I walked out the room and went to look for her doctor..So I could tell him and he could prep Bee for her transplant.I saw her doctor coming down the hall and I immediately began to jog to him..

"Theres a heart coming from gotta get here ready for when it gets here"

"Sir what are you talkin about..we've got nothing about a heart for Ms. Knowles yet"

"I know, but I have, I got here a heart and its on the way to the hospital as we speak, so you gotta get her ready so you can give her the transplant"

He looked at me, with this smug suspicious look..

"How did you get this heart..where did it come from.."

"Does it matter"

I said getting irritated that we were sitting here waisting time

"Yes it does, this is a very respectable hospital, we dont accept black marker organs for our patient, so I need to know how you got it"

"Look I bout it okay, a woman died in Japan, her sister saw a add I put up that Beyonce needed a heart and she contacted me about it and not its hear.."

"Sir we cant use that heart"

"You cant use it..this is could save her fuckin life and your telling me you wont do it"

"Calm your voice..Now i've told you that..."

I cut him off

" listen to me...Your going to take that heart and your going to give her this transplant..she has a son that doesnt deserve to loose his mother like this..not when something can be done, and a sister that would die for saw that earlier..and I refuse to loose your going to use that heart and your going to save her life or im goint to sue this hospital for everything its worth, and have you wrapped up in so much red tape that you will die before you ever get to use your medical liscense again and if you think im joking you just try me"

He just stared at me..Im not a intimidating person, but when it comes to the people that I love, I can be as ruthless as they come and this dude was trying my damn patience..He sighed loud and rubbed his hands together..

"Fine..but no one is to know where that heart came from you hear me..or I could loose my liscense anyway"

"Im not gonna say a word I just want you to save Beyonce"

" gonna go get her prepped have me paged once the heart gets here"

I nodded and he walked around me and went into Beyonce's room to start getting her prepared..I watched as he called in a couple nurses and they wheeled Beyonces bed out the room and down the hall..I turned to walk outside and wait for the heart to come..

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