Chapter 23

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Beyonce called me over she said she had made her decision about me and Chase and that she wanted to do it face to face...When I was talkin to her I was trying to find a hint or a clue as to who she had chosen, but there was nothing there..So I just said ok and that I would come right over...It didnt take me long to get there..because I was eager to know..Im not going to scared as hell, because in a matter of minutes my whole life can change for the better or the worst..I made up my mind when Beyonce was in the hosptial that if she chose me that I wasnt going to waste any time on us...and that I was going to start building a life with her immediately by asking her to marry me....and ifshe doesnt..I said i would respect her decision..and still be there for her..because as long as she was happy..then I was happy for her...But I guess we will see because I just pulled up in front of her house..and I couldnt help but to get this huge grin on my face as I got out the car and walked up to the door....I had my hand in my pocket clutchin the ring, because if she did pick me..i was going to ask her right then and there to marry me..I knocked on the door but I didnt get an answer..I stood there for about five minutes and nothing so I knocked again..I heard the lock on the door I sloly pushed the door open..When I looked in..CJ was standin at the door with tear stains coming down his face..

"CJ, lil man whats wrong"

He didnt say anything as I picked him up..He just snuggled his head into my chest and started to cry all over again..I closed the door behind me and walked all the way in the house..

"Beyonce..where are you..whats wrong with lil man"

I asked walking into the dining room, but I got nothing..I know she was here...Because she called me and she wouldnt leave CJ b y himself like that, thats when I started to get worried..

"CJ, where is your mommy "

He reached down for the ground so I assumed he wanted to get down, so Iput him down, he grabbed my hand and started leading me toward the kitchen..once we got to the door..I immedieatly let go of his hand..Beyonce was lying on he floor on her stomach..

"Beyonce baby"

I said frantically as I dtopped to my knees beside her..I turned her over and placed her in my arms..

"Bee baby wake up..whats wrong...bee wake up"

I felt her paulse..but nothing was there..this couldnt be happening..CJ was standing there with his fingers in his mouth still crying..I pulled out my cell phone from my pocket and called 911 while I laid her down on the floor on her back and tried to do CPR on her..not after everything..she cant die now...She just cant...


A few hours later

"How is she..please say she's okay"

Tyra almost yelled at the doctor as we all impatiently waited in the emergancy waiting room..The doctor looked at all of us and then began to take his gloves off...

"Im sorry...we tried to revive her...but there was just nothing we could do to restart her seems there was a small defect with the heart and we missed it..her heart was stopped for too long so we were unsuccessful in restarting truly sorry for your loss.."

Tyra was shaking her head the tears flowed down her face..Shawn pulled her into a hug..Both of them broke down in one anothers arms..

Shawns Pov..

I held onto Tyra as she cried into my chest...I couldnt breath..She was gone..and I just coulndt understand why...she stay alive..she had her heart..she should have been fine..this is not how this was suppose to be...she couldnt be gone..she coulndt be dead..she just couldnt..I looked over and Chase backed up agaisnt the wall of the waiting room and once his back met with the wall..he slid down the wall and broke down..CJ walked over to him I know lookign at him just made it hurt even worse.Because he looked so much like bee.He started crying..and pulled him into a hug..and just cried..thats all any of us could do right now..was cry..especially me the woman I loved..the woman I wanted to spend the rest of my life with was gone..and I would never get her back...


I still couldnt believe I was sitting here doing this..Beyonce must have known there was a possibility that she wasnt going to make she had did all her funeral arrangements , made a will and everything and me, Chase and Tyra was sitting here going over it all with the Laywer...he called us the day after Bee died..I still cant believe she's gone..worse of all..Chase told me..she told him who she had chosen but I asked him not to tell me, because if it was me, I dont think i could handle knowing that our chance was really snatched away from us like would just make things worse knowing that right now we would be engaged ready to start our life together..

"Miss Knowles, requested that her sister and Chase..share custody of her son Chase Jr..and she also left these"

He said opening up a big yellow envelope and revealing 4 white smaller envelopes..he laid them on the desk..each one of them had name on for Tyra, one for Chase, Cj and Me..He handed them to use..Trya and Chase opened theirs right there but I took mine and got up and excused myself from the room and went into the hallway and opened it up...and started to read this...


"If your reading this..most likely things didnt work out the way I hoped..and im not around anymore..I knew there was a possibility that could happen, even after my heart I wrote this to get a few things off my chest..and tell you some things..just in case I didnt get the chance to tell you face to face...first of all I want you to know that I love you so much...." (Shawn continues reading)

Beyonce's Pov..

I sat there and watched Shawn read his letter, the further he got the more he cried..It hurt seeing him like this but I know there was a purpose for it...I was just a small part of a big plan..I saw my sister come out and pull him into hug and as weird as it may seem it brought a smile to my face..You was never suppose to be me and Shawn together..I was just suppose to bring him and the woman he really belonged with together and that was my sister..this whole situation was never about was about them..They said you are put on this earth to serve a purpose and then your time is up..after Shawn and my sister time started winding down..I should be mad but im not..I love Shawn and I love my sister..and I know their going to be happy and both of their undying love for me is going to make sure that , that happens..It was my time too move on to a bigger and better place..and it was the most beautiful place in the world..I may be gone phsycially but ill always be around watching over those who I love..and make sure their alright..

"I love you guys" She said whispering into each one of their ears..Both of them broke out of the hung and looked around..and then looked at one another..

"Come on lets go back in..the lawyer has something else for us to go over" Shawn nodded and Tyra grabbed his hand..and they walked back in..

Beyonce watched them and smile to herself and then turned and walked into this big beautiful bright light that was at the end of the hall way...

"My work here is done" She said to herself before slowly disappearing...


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