Chapter 2

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"CJ stop playing mommy is going to be late"

I said as i struggled to take him out of the bathrub. He wasnt making it easy splashing water all over the place..He thought it was cute and funny, me not so much..I was already going to be 20 minutes late for work and he wasnt helping the situation..I finally managed to get him out and get him dried and dressed..I packed his little bag and we got out to the car..I strapped him in and got in..But I couldnt find my keys..


CJ yelled out I looked back and he was holding up my keys..I shook my head and took them from him..

"I gotta watch you, your getting to slick for your own good"

He just laughed and started playing with his little X-men toy, I started the car and pulled off 15 minutes later I arrived at my sisters and dropped him off then I headed to work..I worked as receptionist for Johnson,Lee& Carter...It was a law firm, one of the biggest here in Dayton..I pulled in the parking garage and took the elevator up to the 4th floor, just as the door opened and I was about to step out..The sexiest of the 3 lawyers..the one I was lucky enough to work for, Mr.Carter stepped in...

"Late again, I see Miss Knowles"

"Yeah, sorry sir, I had trouble with my son, this morning, he's sick so I had to handle that"

"Sorry to hear that, hope he's gonna be alright"

"Yeah he's gonna be fine, just has a little ear infection"

"Alright, well I put some papers on your desk that I need to be typed up and put back on my desk by the time I get back from my lunch can you do that"

"Yes Sir"

I stepped of fthe elevator and it went to close but he held the door and stopped it

"Oh and Miss Knowles"


I said turning around

"Lets try not to be late again ok"

He said giving me that sexy one million dollar smile..I returned the gesture and went to my desk and started on that paper work...I finished what he wanted me to do about 5 minutes before his lunch was suppose to end..I went into his office and set it on his desk and went to leave when I bumped into him...

"Oh, sorry, I was just putting those papers on your desk like you asked"

"You work fast dont you"

"I try"

I said smiling, i went to walk around him but he called out my name and asked me to come back in and shut the door..So I did..

"Have a seat, I been meaning to ask you something for a while now"

I sat down on the couch in his office..He came around to the front of his desk and leaned up on it..

"I know you have a son, but I never hear you mention his father, is he around'

"No he isnt, he died about a year ago in a plane accident..why wahts this about"

"Well first off, im sorry to hear that, but I was asking, i didnt want to ask you out and you were involved with somebody"

"Ask me out"

I said k ind of taken aback

"Yeah, I've been wanting to ask you out for a couple of months now, but never got the guts to do it until now..So what do you say will you have dinner with me sometime this week"

"Isnt there a policy about dating or getting involved with someone in the work place"

"No its not really a policy, its just sorta frowned upon thats all, but its just dinner I dont see the harm"

"Oh, ok, well in that case, i'd like that"

He smiled at me and leaned up off his desk and walked around the front and started looking through his planner..I know he was looking for a free date..I knew his planner like the back of my hand since I put it together...

"Your free this thursday..yu dont have any appointments that afternoon just 2 that day, how about then"

He laughed and nodded his head

"Sounds great how about 7:30 at Capers, Ill pick you up"

"Alright, you alreayd have my home number, so you can just call me for the directions"


I got up

"Well im going to get back to work, you need anything else"

"No, If I do I will buzz you"

"Alright, Mr.Carter"

"Shawn, call me Shawn"

"Ill do that thursday, but fo rnow, why d ont we stick to Mr.Carter, like to keep it proffessional in the office if you dont mind"

"No not at all"

I nodded and walked out the office and went back to my desk with the biggest smile spread across my face..This would be my first real date since Chase died and I woud be lying if I said I wasnt excited about it..

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