Chapter 11

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"I thought i was seeing things when I looked at the picture..but you see the same thing I did dont you"

I coudlnt even form a sentence right now..I just started at the picture rubbing my finger over his face


"Bee what are you gonna do"

"I..I have to find him..I have to see him"

I said getting my thoughts together enough to get up and walk to the phone, there was a number on the paper at the bottom of it..I quickly dialed the number and impatiently waited for an answer

"Hello Mount Carmel East Hospital how may I help you"

"Um..I have a flyer with a mans picture on it and your number..there asking who he is?"

I said looking down at the picture..

"Yes, the man thats been here for about a year now, he was in a plane accidnt, and was one of the few that survived but he couldnt remember who he was or where he hand come from so we had nobody to contack he's been here recoupding ever since..Do you know his name"

"His name is Chase..James, im am..was his girlfriend..where is he..where are you"

"In Pearl, Arizona, just outside of Pheonix, wait you wouldnt happen to be Beyonce would you"

"Yeah how dd you know"

I asked as I felt my heart about to damn near jump out of my chest...

"He doesnt remember much, bug he always writes your name down, he does it all the time and just stares at it, he says he knew you would find him, because he knew he loved you and you loved him, he just couldnt remember your last name or where you were, only that he loved you.."

I just couldnt believe after all the times i had wished that I would get a second chance with Chase, I never thought it would happen not in a mllion years.

"Are you coming down, I know he would love to see you..and finally get out of this place"

"Yeah of course il be on the first plane out"

"Alright, ill let him know to be expecting you"

"Ok..and could you do me a favor"


"Could you tell him I love him and I never stopped"

"I sure will"

"Thank you"

"No problem, bye"


I hung up and turned and looked at Tyra


She said standing up..I shook my head, tears starting to come down my face.

"Its him..he's alive"

"I cant believe this..this is incredible"

Just as she said that Shawn came walking in teh door

"You ready to go"

He said after saying hi to Tyra and coming over to me..

"I..I cant go"

"Why not"

"I have to get to Arizona"

"Arizona, what for, whats in Arizona"

He said confused


"Chase..wait what are you talking about"

"They found him..he's alive..and he's in Arizona, I have to ge to him"

I said moving around him and going to pick up CJ

"I have to gt on the first plane, I have to go get him and bring him home"

Shawn just stood there with his back to us

"Oh my god I have to call his family and tell them"

I said making my way back over to the phone..When I went to pick it up..Shawn put his hand on mine and kept me from doing so

"What about the hospital"

"Thats going to have to wait..I have to ge to him..I have to bring him home Shawn..I have too"

I could set he hurt in his eyes and i honestly didnt mean for him to feel like that, but he has to understand I thought Chase was dead, I dont know how many nights I cried after he died..I loved him so much and I still do, now I find out that he's alive, he just has to understand my need to see him, to know for sure thats him..

" said yourslef you dont have time to wait"

"Shawn please..not now"

"Can you do me a favor and take CJ with you, I have tot call the airline and catch the first flight I can, and Ill call you when I get there to let you know when I get back"

I said to Tyra

"Yeah, yeah sure anything you need, you want me to call his family too"

"Would you please"

"No problem"

I let go of the phone and handed CJ to Tyra, before I ran upstairs to pack a over night bag, when I came back down Tyra was on the phone, im guessing calling his family, I looked around but I didnt see Shawn, I knew there was gonna be a problem with us when I got back...probably with Chase right by my side, but I would have to deal with that when I got back..right now I had to be with Chase..

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