Chapter 10

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"Wait..what..what do you mean your dying"

He said sitting up..I sat up with him and looked at him

"A couple of weeks ago..I was having chest pains and my sister took me to the hospital..I thought it was just heartburn but the doctor said I have something known as Cardiomyopathy..he said since I didnt catch it early on its getting worse fast..and If I dont get a heart heart is eventually going to get weaker..and stop working and ill got into congestive heart failure...and die"

He looked back at me but I could tell he didnt know what to say..

"I..I ..I dont know what to say"

"I know its alot to take tookme a whole week to even admit it to myself and I havent even told anybody but you..thats why I have been a little you put it and the more time that goes by..the worse it gets..

"Well if you get need a heart transplant why dont you just do that"

"Because..for takes months or even years for people to get hearts..especially ones that match..Im on the list..but there are so many people infront of me..and I might not even have that long..And even if there was a heart that I could cost way to much money..and theres no telling the problems I would have afterwards my body could reject it and I end up dying anyway..( I put my head in my hands as I felt a new wave of tears about to take me over)..I dont wanna die Shawn..I dont...I wanna see my son grow up..I wanna be with you..I dont wanna die..."

I said breaking down all over again..He held me close to his chest..

"Shhh..its going to be ok..Im going to help matter what I have to going to help you get a heart..and ill pay for not gonna let you get taking away from your son..or me...I wont let that happen"

"You dont have to do that..there is nothing you can do..I didnt wanna tell anybody because I didnt want anyone to feel what I feel right I honestly understand dont wanna deal with this and u leave..because I dont want you wasting your time..and"

He reachedup and put his finger to my lips and cut me off..

"Im not letting you wasted so much tme dreaming about you, instead of going after you..and now I have not letting you or CJ not going anywhere..and you will make it through this..I promise..even if I have to give you my own will make it through this"

I didnt say anything back, just continued to cry in his arms..He pulled me tighter and I felt him start to cry right along with me..I think I cried myself to sleep in his arms that night...I was relieved that I told him , but on some level I was already regretting it, because now he would be feeling that same pain I was feeling since I found out..and I didnt want that..

The Next Morning..

When I woke up I was in the same position as I was when I fell asleep wrapped in Shawns arms..His grip was just as tight as it was when I fell asleep too..I really couldnt move..I leaned up and kissed his lips..He moved a little and then his eyes started to flutter open..

"I need to get up and get dressed...gotta get ready for work"

I went to get up but he grabbed me and pulled me back down...

"Your not going to work today..Me adn you are going up to the hospital to get you moved up on the list"

"Shawn we both have to go to cant get me moved up on the list some people have been waiting for years, my life is no more important then theres"

"To me it is, im in lone with one perosn on that list and thats you, which means to me your the only oen that matters..and im your boss im tell you , your not going to work"

I went to say something, but he put his hand up..

"Im a lawyer, I get paid to argue with you really wanna go there"

I sighed

"I didnt think so, so go get showered and dressed and im going to go get CJ up, your sister comes to pick him up in the morning doesnt she"

I nodded

"Alright, well im going to get him ready and then go home and get dressed, when I come back me and you are going up to that hospital..I told you last night I wasnt going to let me or CJ lose you and I meant it"

He kissed me and got up, I did the same...He went to walk out the room..


He stopped and turned around...

"Thank you"

I gave him a smile and then walked into the bathroom..I took a shower and got dressed, when I came out and came downstairs Tyra was sitton on the couch with CJ at her feet..

"What are you still doing here..did Shawn leave already"

"Yeah he did..and I need to talk to you about something and i think you need to sit down"

She said looking at me with all seriousness.I walked over to her and sat down beside her.

"What is it..whats wrong"

She reached in her pocket and pulle dout this peice of paper and handed it to me..

"It was attached to the door of the coffee shop i go to in the morning I came over as soon as I saw it"

I opened it up..and everything just was a picture of a man laying in a hospital bed and above it, it said DO YOU KNOW WHO I AM, in big bold red letters..I looked at his face and covered my mouth with my hands..I knew who he was..because it was Chase...


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