02: Rain

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I've been with Griffith for about a week right about now and I think the first day was the worst but today isn't the greatest day either. Okay, let me tell you about the first day and the rest leading to today, the seventh day. If you can't handle violence, I'm sorry, have a puke bucket beside you. It's about to get pretty gory. Anyway, it all started right after the initiation as soon as we got home.

"Here's how this is going to go bitch." He started slapping me in the face twice as hard as he could on both cheeks pushing me inside the house. "You listen to what you're told to do and you do it. Don't say shit unless you're spoken to."

"No, you listen to me. I am a person, not your property. I am not a pet, you can not make me obey you." I answered challenging him.

He should know I will just sit here like an innocent, scared child as he tries and makes me obedient. He may have bought me, but I will always make sure he knows what hell he got himself into. Every single day I can, he will not break me. He can try but he will never succeed.  I stood up from where he pushed me and stared right back in his eyes, making sure he knew I definitely am challenging his authority.

He stared right back at me, standing his ground, and walked until we were three feet apart. All of a sudden, he raised his hand, bawled it into a fist quickly and punched me right in the gut. Just under my ribcage. Of course that hurt, but I didn't show it on my face, my insides were screaming and crying. He did it again four more times, out of all of that I managed to block him once. What was this guy, a fucking boxer.

"You will learn, and if that means the hard way then so be it." He said.

"You don't get it do you? Figured since you are a dumbass after all. I will never 'learn' to be obedient towards you. I hate, no...despise, you and nothing will ever change that. You can do whatever to me, but nothing will change." I informed him.

"Wait and see then."

He grabbed my arm, and practically dragged me on the floor to some room that was downstairs. Not once did he let up on my arm, and he held it tighter every time I tried to wiggle free. Once we were in the room, he grabbed a rope and wrapped it around my neck. Making it tight enough to not strangle me but still pretty fucking tight.  I didn't struggle this time, but I would later.  As soon as he was finished wrapping the rope around my neck, he again dragged me outside and tied me to this sort of large dog house.

"You'll be staying here until the storming is finished. Could be days, so prioritize what you have in there." He told me.

"Go to fucking hell you bastard of a human being. A waste of air on this fucking planet." I spat, actually spitting in his face as he tied the rope to a post a couple feet from the doghouse.

Almost immediately, he pushed me roughly to the ground and repeatedly kicked me in the stomach until I started crying. "Everyday, until you learn to shut the fuck up. Expect that."

He left me alone as soon as it started to rain. So I laid there in the grass, my throat burning, stomach in agony and a resistance still strong as fuck. He will not break me, not now, not ever.  

For four days, I laid right where he left me. Everyday he came out and kicked me in the gut and in return I replied with something sassy. Or in his case, fucking stupid. I didn't care. Now the fifth day, it started really storming and I had not choice but to enter the doghouse when it the rain picked up, thunder started to hurt my ears and the lightening started lighting up the sky. It scared the shit out of me more than Griffith did.

I felt like a fucking dog crouching on my hands and knees crawling towards the doghouse. I got pretty close to the door when the rope thrust me backwards. I looked in confusion, I was only a couple feet away. But then I looked back at the post where he tied the rope and noticed how short the thing actually was. The storm started to pick up and it was really starting to scare me. I looked at the doghouse and then at the sky to see it actually started to pour. I could barely see in front of me, and my ears were really starting to hurt with the constant thunder. The lightning kept picking up and believe me, this is the scariest shit I have ever witnessed.  I desperately tugged at the rope around the post. Trying to loosen it enough to where I could enter the doghouse.

"You fucking bitch did this on purpose!" I screamed toward the house knowing he couldn't hear me anyway.

I tried until the storm picked up even more, like it was a fucking hurricane, until I had no choice but to turn into a ball. I was panicking and scared, but had nothing else to do. Griffith, stupid ass, was trying to kill me. I fell asleep in that position, in pain and drenched to the bone.

We're on day six of my awful week now. That's the day he let me back inside to abuse me just a bit more. To try and teach me what obedience is like. To basically see if my resistance is failing. He picked a good day too, right after that horrible storm, the day I was scared to my wits. I would do most things to not go back out there and endure  that experience again. Most things.

"Have your stupid ass learned yet?" He asked as he kicked me in the gut for good measure.

"Has your stupid ass learned?" I recited back to him as I winced at the kick.

He's kicked me in the stomach in the same spot for six days now. After a certain number, I throw up basically water because that's all in my stomach. I haven't been fed since I got here.  He untied me and made me stand up so we could walk inside and not track in dirt.  We went right back into the room he tied my neck up in and untied my neck before gripping it in his hand.

"I see you haven't. Time for more fun." He muttered.

He kept holding my neck, squeezing tighter every few seconds until my face started turning red. I didn't do anything to stop him. Just something to make him pissed off. I spit my saliva on his eyes, then poked it. "That was fun, shall we do it again?" I said laughing a bit, choking too.

He squeezed my neck incredibly hard, I thought he might break it. Before launching me across the room. I landed on the wall, and fell onto a table breaking the flimsy thing under me. He stalked towards me quite fast, before picking me up by my already sore and bruised neck, and lifting me towards the sky. Punching me repeatedly on my face. Before throwing me again.  This time I crashed on a table and it didn't break.

"Clean up this mess." He commanded me.

"No." I muttered.

"What was that?" He questioned walking over to me.

"You heard me." I said as he grabbed me again. 

He raised me again and pointed me to a mirror. I got a good look at myself. My face was swollen up, blood dripping slowly from my nose. My neck had rope burns, and hand marks on my neck. My chest area was all bruised and so was the rest of my body. Than he launched me at the mirror but I managed to hit the wall and not the glass.  He left me there, all crumbled up on the floor.  This time, I screamed.

"Clean. This. Mess." He pronounced every word harshly.

"O-o-okay." I stuttered out trying to pick myself up, wincing as I did so. 

"Thirty minutes, this room better be clean." He warned before he slammed the door behind him as he left the room.

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