18: Rushed Meltdowns

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It's been about three weeks since Josiah house bound Evan and I avoiding Paige was impossible, so every time she saw us we got yelled at. Evan was yelled at for being here and for being gay while I was yelled at for avoiding every meeting that she set up with a wedding planner. She was such a huge bitch and it was royally pissing the both of us off. Not to mention, Josiah was cleaning out his office getting it ready for his sister and Paige bothered him for trying to get rid of the crown and avoiding the wedding planning as well. For the last three weeks, Josiah has been doing less and less of the next in line duties until altogether he just stopped attending them. Instead we've been doing cute activities together like picnics on the balcony, cake baking with Krystal observing, we did a water balloon fight in the backyard, movie nights and game nights. So whenever I wasn't with Evan, I was with him and I loved both of their company.

Today though, I get to meet the infamous Marcelia and then we do the planning for the inauguration for them and leaving the kingdom until Josiah is ready to take over. Evanna has yet to sit still and has dragged me throughout the house, doing these to pass the time. Every time Josiah tried to hangout with me, he was shooed away.

"Time check. Check the clock!" Evan shouted at me as she messed around with the clay.

"She arrives in three minutes." I said looking at the clock.

"Downstairs we go." She said taking my hand and dragging me out the art room.

We were practically running down the floors to get to the main floor since we were near the top. It took us practically thirty seconds to clear each floor so we were on the main one in two minutes with a minute to spare. She let go of my hand just as the front door open and she jumped at the girl who was wheeling in two suitcases.

"Three weeks is way too long! Let's not do this again." Evan announced hugging the life out of Marcela.

"Yes but it was worth it. Now where is the happy couple?" Marcela asked putting Evanna down.

"Mar meet Princessa Symphony Arlo Paisley, Symph meet my wife Marcela Palmetto." Evanna introduced us.

"Nice to meet you." We said at the same time.

"Let's take your bags to my room. Evan and I had this night planned out since she first got here. At the moment though we need to have a meeting with Josiah and get the plan of action created before we can have some fun for a couple hours and then the three of us have a girls night in my room." I listed.

Evanna and I each took a bag from Marcela and walked to the elevator and went up to Josiah and I's floor that will soon be their floor. We went to my room and put the bags by the closet door. We went to the personal office on this floor where Josiah probably is and went in locking the door. Like I thought, Josiah was in here setting up the new furniture in the color scheme Evanna liked best.

"Good, we're all here. Let's make a plan and do this right." Evanna said sitting on the desk.

I walked up to the whiteboard and grabbed a marker from the case writing the word plan in big letters. Before leaning against the board waiting for stuff to be said so I could write it down.

"So my mother wanted us to get married three weeks ago so the ceremony could be the week after. Since those dates have gone and went, we can create our own. So what do you girls have in mind?" Josiah started off.

"Symp, write the dates: September 12, which is tomorrow, and then September 21. That leaves us a week and a half between those two dates. Tomorrow, you guys need to go house hunting and move in all in that same day so that Ev and I can move into the castle at the same time." Marcela added.

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