13: Try Horrific

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I didn't wait for Josiah, I didn't want to talk to him at the moment. He had no right to keep the reason I wasn't thrown out on the street to himself. He had no right to not know. I picked up my dress enough and walked out my office. I didn't take the elevator, I would have to wait for Josiah, instead of the stairs. Taking one stair at a time, I did this awkward side lean to the right so I didn't have to bend my left leg that much. I was halfway down the stairs when I had to stop and sit down. I don't think people really understood how exhausting going down the stairs, even one foot at a time, in a walking boot and a knee brace is. I smoothed out my dress and scooted out the middle so I could lean on the railing, right under the hand railing. I made sure I wasn't in anyone's way if they were going up or down. I closed my eyes and tried to slow down my heart rate so I could catch my breath. The incredibly long day way finally going to me and I just wanted it to be over. I could hear people whisper as they passed me, greeting me quietly and moving about the house. They left me alone, not knowing what really to do but leave me be. So I drifted off into my thoughts, just on the brink of sleep when I noticed that someone had stopped and was scooting closer to me.

"I don't mean to disturb you, but Prince Josiah is looking for you." They said. Now I normally wouldn't be this calm but I wasn't thinking straight. All I knew is that I heard the voice from somewhere and that I should take a guess.

"Tell him to look harder, Kev, and while he's looking harder tell him to grow a couple brain cells back because he lost more than a few. I'm afraid that if he loses anymore, he might get to be as dumb as he looks." I muttered clear enough.

"I'm afraid if I did that I would lose more than just my job, Ms. Symphony." Kev informed me.

"Kev, what's your full name. I'd like to officially know you before I ask you to do something" I said.

"Kevvin, ma'am, how can I be of service?" He responded.

"Now normally I wouldn't ask of this because I don't really know you or anything about you but the king is useless to me for now. I need you to carry me down the stairs and then help me make my way to the kitchen." I rambled.

Kevvin nodded and I let him pick me up slowly then adjusted me so he had a better grip on me. My hands were wrapped around his neck for good measure, you know things happen. Slowly, we journeyed down the stairs, Kevvin tripping only a couple times and every time the room below us would stop moving and everyone would look up in worry. I had no idea why, I wasn't that important. When we got to the bottom of the stairs, Kevvin set me down to my feet gently before backing away and bowing at me.

"Thank you Kevvin, you may continue with your duties."   I told him curtsying as well.

Kevvin stood up and walked back up the stairs going somewhere. I on the other hand stood back up and gripped the front of my dress before walking to the kitchen and sit at the dining room table, all the way on the other side of Josiah just so he knew how I still wasn't talking to him. Finnegan placed a small bowl of mac and cheese, a tiny version of a fruit parfait, a small salad with Italian dressing, and vegan lasagna. Everything was in slightly larger than snack size so that I could adjust to larger portions but I agreed to starting slowly. For my drink, I had sweet tea with a side of apple juice.

"Thank you Finnegan, is there a dessert tonight?" I asked politely.

"A simple slice of apple pie with strawberry ice cream to the side." Finnegan answered.

"Have that wrapped up for me, I wish to eat that tomorrow." I said

"Yes ma'am." He said bowing and walking away.

I  turned back my attention to my meal and settled with eating my salad first. I only ate a few bites then picked at it with my fork trying to swallow my most recent bite but struggled more than anything with it. I finally choked it before taking a sip of sweet tea and moving on to the mac and cheese. I kept my head down while I ate totally ignoring Josiah as he ate in silence. I finished my mac and cheese and slowly ate the lasagna. I had an amazing amount of trouble with it since I was getting full but I finished it and drank some apple juice to celebrate my success. I finally moved on to my favorite food to eat since I've gotten here. I brightened up a whole lot more and traded my forks for a spoon. I spooned up some and put it on my tongue, savoring the taste even though I eat at least one a day.  I was getting into it when halfway through my stomach has decided I have eaten enough. Slowly, I put my spoon down in disappointment and pushed my plate away from me. I stood up until I noticed the two pills on my coaster by my apple juice. I thanked Finnegan in my head and took both of them before standing up.

I fixed my dress then held up part of it before making my way to my room. I didn't make it past the table before I felt a soft hand gently grip my hand. I turned around to the owner of the hand and gave him a questioning look, still giving him the silent treatment.

"Would you like to accompany me to the music room?" Josiah asked me.

I didn't respond but I didn't move either. In my room Supernatural was just calling my name but I was intrigued with the music room, I wanted to know what was all exactly in there or if he was just saying that. Josiah stood up and held my hand instead of gripping it and I didn't pull away. I accepted it, felt nice anyway. Josiah and I walked together to the elevator for him to pick one of the highest buttons. We waited for the elevator to close and go to that floor before opening once again for us. We walked out and then to to the last door on the hall that was covered in different types of music noted and then the treble and bass clefs. I opened the door with the hand that Josiah wasn't holding and walked immediately to the grand piano. I took a seat facing the keys and Josiah sat right by me. We untwisted our fingers and Josiah started playing some random melody.

"I'm sorry for overreacting." I whispered quietly.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry. You do deserve to know why you're still here." He countered.

I listened to the melody he was playing and instantly recognized it. I waited until he got to a part of the song I could jump in and sing, so as soon as I could I started and thankfully it was near the beginning. "And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago is green eyes and freckles.. And your smile in the back of my mind making me feel like: I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now"

Then Josiah jumped in and turned it into a duet on the third repeat, "I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now.I just want to know you better, know you better, know you better now. I just want to know you, know you, know you."

We sang like that making eye contact on some parts until the entire song was over. Josiah rested his hands for a bit and stopped playing but I was ready to talk anyway. I turned and faced him just a bit.

"Okay, I'm going to explain now. I had no idea this was my mom's plan by the way. I was supposed to marry someone two years ago so that I could finally become king but I refused to marry anyone who didn't want to marry me or married just for the status. SO we held everything off so that I could meet someone but I never did and apparently my mom has been getting impatient. So when she rescued you.." He trailed off but he didn't need to continue.

"So I'm here to marry you so that you can become king?" I asked just to clarify.

"Officially yes, but I want to do this the right way. I'm not going to force you." He replied.

"So this wasn't important enough to tell me, you were just patiently waiting until I caught feelings, is that what you're saying! I'm just here to be some type of trophy wife? Josiah I did not sign up for this bullshit!" I told him while standing up and walking again.

Again he grabbed my hand but I shook off his grip. He chased me this time. He stood up and followed me to the door before grabbing me. "It isn't anything like that. You aren't here to be a trophy wife or just here so I can become king. I realize how bad of an idea to was to keep you in the dark."

"A bad idea? Buddy, try horrific. I'm basically being he-"

He did the most absolute cliché thing in the world and so did I. He grabbed my waist and kissed me. And I? I didn't back away. It only lasted for a couple seconds. When we broke apart, I was tempted to slap him then caress his cheek like I see in movies to complete the clichés but instead I just patted it and walked back over to the piano. Josiah followed me and sat down by me again.

"Can you play teenage dream by Katy Perry?" I asked.

"Of course." He said and began playing.

I rested my head on his shoulder and listened to the beat. Somewhere mid song I fell asleep and that is what I call a good ending to my incredibly long day.

Author's chat:

Not my longest update but I am working on another chapter right now as you read this and hopefully it will be out by 9/16/17. If not then you will have two updates by 9/17/17.

xoxo JayKay

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