09: I'm safe

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"And here's your room." Josiah said, opening the door.

I walked in before he did and immediately sat on the side of my bed. I was exhausted and my from just crutching around the house. I through the crutches down to the floor beneath me and looked around the room. The room was a nice blue and black color, they really complemented each other well. I had a canopy over the bed and a complete bookshelf in the corner.  A flat screen attached to the wall and a desk to the side. There was a sliding door on the left handed side, which I'm guessing leads to the balcony and two other doors on the other side. Probably the closet and bathroom. Then there was the make up table in the corner which I found was cute. It was nice and simple room that was put together and was good enough for me.

"It's almost dinner time, why don't you rest for a bit." Josiah suggested.

"Yeah, good idea." I agreed.

I got more comfortable on my bed, and adjusted so my casts laid elevated as well. Then the lights were turned off and my eyes closed soon after. I don't know how long it took for me to fall asleep, or if it was as quick as possible. I do know that my dream scared me. And I don't know if I'll  ever be able to actually sleep after this one.

Enter Dream land

"Get the fuck up! Nobody told you to sleep."

What the hell am I doing back here? I thought I escaped! I jumped off the floor, where I was laying down and noticed I didn't have any casts on me. Healthy as a horse was what I was. I walked from whatever room I was in and followed the voice that was yelling at me for sleeping. Could they see through walls, was I too quiet or something.  I gasped as I walked into the room and noticed who was yelling crystal clear. How had I not recognized that awful voice that always yelled obscenities at me.

He noticed I was in the room, staring at him but not saying a word. He stalked towards me like a lion does to a deer. I was his prey and he knew it. Once he was in front of me, towering over me like he always does, he roughly grabbed my jaw and tilted my head harshly to meet his eyes. He let go and then backhanded me as hard as he could. I felt the stinging before I heard the huge crack noise. The way my neck turned, I could have sworn I broke it. Not only did he slap me once but four times as hard as he could in the same spot. I could feel his hand print just throbbing on my right cheek.

"You've been chosen by me for three fucking months, and since the day I brought you to my house, all you've been to me is a huge pain in my ass!"

"I th-t-thought I l--" I stuttered trailing off.

I've been gone for like a week, why am I here? What's going on? I don't want to be here!

"You thought you escaped, ran off with some little whiny controlling bitch! Well, bitch, you thought wrong. You will NEVER leave because you are mine! I bought you, we initiated and now by law I own you!" He yelled right into my face.

"No." I stated in this confident voice, "I will never be yours. You bought me because I couldn't reject you."

He slapped me as hard as did before. From the metallic taste that mixed with my saliva coating my tongue like pop rocks and sticking there like a tart. Leaving me horrified yet amazed by the fact that I could fast something so potent at the same time. I knew I was bleeding but I couldn't help but feel the need to show it. I spot right into his open mouth just as he was about to say something to me. The look on his face was indescribable, I could have spent hours trying to say how repulsed it was.

"Alright bitch, if that's how you want to play than so be it. You had your turn and now it's mine." He roared at me.

I wasn't as quick as he was and this time he made sure to grab me in a position that I couldn't easily escape from without breaking another bone. So here I was, waiting to see what his next move was. He pulled me to a spare bedroom, one that looked like it had never been loved in before. Unused, untouched, and the perfect setting to end my life. Nobody would suspect anything, I think. He tossed my body on the bed as hard as he could and I gave a little shriek of surprise. Griffith waited for nothing as he handcuffed my wrists to the bed. Now I wasn't really going anywhere.

He grabbed my pants by my waist and started to pull them down but is wiggled so much it was nearly impossible but he succeeded in that. He was not going to get that far with my underwear. I didn't even give him an opportunity to grab onto them. I wiggled around and dodged him, as hard as that was with handcuffs on, every time he even got close to grabbing them. He huffed this great big sigh and grabbed one of my legs. Then let go and left the room. Quickly I focused on the handcuffs to see if I could just slip through them but this idiot had them one way too tight so that wasn't even an option. Even though I knew that, I still struggled with all my might. Griffith was back a couple minutes and I immediately stopped what I was doing.  He came over with this sledgehammer and leered at me.

"We're going to do this the hard way. So pucker up buttercup." He rejoiced.

Almost immediately after he said that he grabbed my left leg, held it steady and then with his right hand brought the sledgehammer down on top of my leg. Now this hurt worse than anything he has ever done. This torture was beyond any agonizing torment I have suffered before. The most discomfort he has ever made me feel. The moment the hammer made contact with my leg, I could not only feel my leg breaking, I could hear it. I couldn't even scream, my mouth opened and all that came out was air. I raised my head from the bed in the attempt to breathe but I could barely do that. I got a glance at Griffith's face and the crazy amount of pleasure on his face was something I decided I never wanted to see on someone's face again.

"Now, just sit there and I promise this will only hurt a lot." He snickered at me.

I laid my head back, trying to stay as motionless as possible. I didn't want to cause any more pain than I was already suffering, any more unnecessary pain that I could avoid. He grabbed the hem of my panties and roughly slid them down my legs. Then forcefully spread my leg, I screamed from the movement and stilled the leg. Without even a second thought, he unzipped his pants and shoved them halfway down his thighs. He gave himself a quick rub and then shoved himself as far as he could in me.

I hollered so loud I nearly cracked the window but that didn't seem to slow Griffith down at all. It encouraged him to nail me. I shoved him with my arms and kicked him with my good leg but that seemed to do absolutely nothing. The only effective thing I could do was cry. So I did, I let each tear slip down my face, giving him the satisfaction of raping me. As much as I was in pain, it still wasn't enough for him. He grabbed my head on both his hands and repeatedly shoved it against one of the handcuffs. This bastard was going to kill me.

"Fucking bitch, I ought to kill you. You're nothing but a waste of space. Taking up air!" He yelled in my face continuing his torment.

I could feel my life seeping out my body as the blood gushed out the back of my head. This is how I'm going to die, by a psycho whore.  I closed my eyes and tried to silence myself. I day dreamed as hard as I could. Trying to forget what was happening, forget where I was. I wanted my last moments to be peaceful.

End of dream

"Symphony! Open your eyes." Griffith yelled at me shaking me.

He kept repeating that a couple of times until I opened my eyes. Instead of looking at Griffith above me, raping me. I saw myself safe.

I shot out of bed and looked at where I was. I was in a huge bed, my bed, in a huge room. I made eye contact with Griffith, who was standing by the edge of the bed, looking at me worriedly. I jumped in his arms and shoved my head in his chest just bawling my eyes out.

"Symp, are you okay?" He asked me panicking slightly.

"I'm safe, I'm safe, I'm safe." I repeated, whispering to myself.

"You're safe." He agreed just hugging

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