03: Almost

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Officially day seven. The day he thought he broke me when I said yes to cleaning the room. Little did he know all I did was sit where he dropped me and waited for him to come back. I had to wait until he sent me outside again to try and run away. Could be weeks before that happens again, so I'll just have to keep putting up with his shit until that day happened.

When Griffith arrived, he immediately became pissed off again. This guy stays pissed at me, and its not even my fault. He can't handle my attitude or the way I speak. He could barely handle being in the same room as me. He should have bought another girl, one that wouldn't have minded being treated like shit for the rest of their lives, because this one minded. The time we spent apart gave me enough time to recoup myself and make sure that I actually stopped bleeding so much. Griffith and I made eye contact and we both glared at one another as he once again stomped toward me.  Mind you I was still sitting down.

Griffith stepped on my leg until he heard a crack and I like any normal person screamed. Well, I screamed until I realized he was smirking at my pain that i was showing so I changed my screams into internal ones. Holding everything in and changing my expression into an emotionless one.  "That's the best you got?" I gritted out.

"I thought I told your stupid ass to clean up your mess.' He asked in a rhetorical expression.

I shrugged in a dismissed manner and looked off in the distance. I didn't want to interact with him today. I was tired, starving, and still wet. Did this guy live alone? Does anyone hear what happens in these walls? I ignored those questions in my head and tried to stand up on my good leg, making excruciating pain shoot up my bad leg. I tried my very best to ignore this as well. Griffith was still standing in front of me, jabbering on and on about something that I could give  to fucks about.

"Shithead! Are you listeni-"

"Shut the fuck up and listen to me twat!" I screamed at him interrupting his sentence, "Whatever you think is going to happen while I live here until I die, is not going to happen! I am tired of sitting here listening to your shit, so do us both a favor and stop talking!"

He stared at me for a second before laughing at me. "Tired? Sure. Hungry, fine let's feed you."

Finally some progress! He left the room quickly and came back with a plate of food and a cup of something. Including utensils to eat with. He was walking awfully fast towards me with a look of hate in his eyes. As soon as he was in reaching distance of me, he slammed the cup down on the ground and smashed the plate right into my face. Grabbed the fork and shoved it into my bad leg. I screamed in pain. But he only took that as an opportunity to try and choke me by forcing all the liquid that was in the cup down my throat. As I was joking on whatever it was, he shoved me face first towards the floor. I only had enough time to block my face from slamming to the ground.

The fork that was still in my leg, slammed further in and my leg came crashing down to the floor. I screamed again in agony, no, I never stopped screaming. Now you can add tears to the mix. I didn't even try to move as he stepped right on me. Adding so much extra weight to my body. I was literally crushed to the ground.  I watched as he walked to the door and left the room but not before looking right back at me in the eyes.

"CLEAN THIS FUCKING ROOM, BITCH!" He screamed and then slammed the door.

"No." I mumbled to myself as I flipped myself on my back.

Everything felt like it was broken but the only thing that is broken is my fucking leg. I have to leave or he'll fucking kill me. I had to do something. Let's just pretend everything is okay for the moment, motivate myself to keep my head up and resist him for as long as I can. I sat up, jostling my leg as least as I could. I managed to take off my belt that was around my waist and took off my sock from my good foot. I shoved it in my mouth before gripping the fork tightly and yanking it from my leg. I screamed in the sock, muffling as much as I could as I wrapped the belt around the damage. This I would have to do without the sock in my mouth because I needed the cloth. I folded the sock in half and put it on the hole in my leg. Before keeping it tightly in place with the belt. That would stop the bleeding for now. I needed medical attention before I fell apart at the seems but I think Griffith would rather kill me then spend even more money on me.

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