21: Bobble Heads

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Symphony's point of view

More on the subject of the big moving day, it was a huge success. I got the house completely done, furnished, and the keys in my hand all i the span of most of the night. On top of that, I went to check out the venue that was picked out because Josiah, so cleverly, lied about me doing it. So I thought I might as well look at what he thought I would pick out, it was pretty nice actually. And on top of all of that, to say that I just slept when I got back to the castle would be the understatement of the century. Like no, I slept like I just died and went to Heaven. A solid unmoving form on the blow up mattress that I now called my bed at the moment. Apparently everyone thought I deserved the four hours of sleep that I got because nobody bothered me even as the clock said it was well past noon. When I finally woke up it was just going on two o'clock.

"The dead has risen, good, it's your turn to be pestered by the evil step-mother-in-law or soon-to-be." Evanna told me blowing air out of her mouth.

"On a scale of Lion King to Moana, how is it?" I asked yawning.

"Try Frozen played on repeat for the tenth time." She answered me.

"I take it Hell on Earth then." I mumbled rolling off the side of my bed to the floor, before slowly sitting up. Questioning humanity on why we had to deal with the woman.

"Take a shower and get ready to go." Marcella instructed coming into the room.

"Where are we going?" I hesitated on asking.

"Wait Mar!" Evanna interrupted, "Long or short version, Symp?"

"Uhh, medium sized? If possible." I faltered.

"Okay...Lunch with my step-mother to discuss the wedding and the after ceremony that immediately follows it. Or well... What she thinks is going to happen anyway. We, on the other side of the spectrum, have to arrange what's actually going to happen. And since it all goes down in less than a week, I much rather have it all planned out today so we have time to practice and get it as flawless as possible." Marcella explained.

That made enough sense for me to not question it any further. I climbed out of bed and walked to my suitcase that sat in my old closet. Our roles seemed to have switched around making me the guest in the castle and the one that seemed to be living out of their suitcase, for the next week or so at least. If Josiah and I were to stay at our new house, Paige would definitely find out about what we are, no doubt, planning. While I am speaking about houses, I need to make a few calls to see if I can find a house outside of the kingdom for Paige to live in after the whole ceremony and what not. We've all been trying to figure out what we want to happen to Paige, as a group, once we complete our plan. Though we all know that ultimately, it's up to Josiah to decide since that is his mother by birth and not by marriage but that doesn't stop Marcella, Evanna, and I from throwing our own ideas out in the open.

I picked out a light blue dress, silver heels to match and some random undergarments before completing my short walk from the closet to the bathroom. Evanna has truly made this her room, the once simple decorations proved to be not enough for her and now they were fit for a soon-to-be queen. I turned on her stereo, selected the CD player mode, and hit track one to hear Evanna's favorite artist's, NF, second album which is titled Therapy Session. She was starting to get me addicted to his music and I even had a favorite album which is his third titled Perception,. So when I heard his voice fill the room, I couldn't help but sing along with him. I started the shower and adjusted the temperature of the water to my liking. I took off my clothes and put the m in Evanna's dirty hamper, hopefully she would return my clothes to me sooner than later. I tied my hair into a quick bun as I jumped into the shower so I could avoid washing it for now. I took my time washing body and face, shaving my legs, and even using her in-shower body lotion to moisturize my legs after I shaved. Right as I was about to turn off the water, there were multiple hands beating on the door so I could hear it over the music and grab my attention. Well congratulations, you have just earned every speck of it.

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